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A Brief Funny Story

I was at my Opa’s apartment last night.

In case you didn’t know, Opa is my grandfather.

Anyway, he is 89 years old and has an older brother, about age 94? in South Africa. They both fled Germany when Hitler decided to kill people.


I was showing Opa what I do at work. I had brought my laptop computer up to him last night and for the first time he was able to see and hear what I do at work and in my art world. I showed him websites I worked on and other things. Even played a video for him.


He was quite amazed at the technology.

We then emailed his brother and some other relative.

But first, he looked at his watch. He noticed the time and he said we couldn’t because if we did that, it would wake them up. I had to take about 4 minutes and explain to Opa that emails don’t wake up people like phone calls do. I still don’t think he fully understands. But it was funny.


And that’s my brief funny story.



© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC