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Afraid Again

Afraid to ask

Ask the waiter

What time is it?

Need to know the time

Will I be late?

One more round

Another time

Again in a knot



It's happening again

My head

My head again

Uptown trains

Floor past eleven


Need to know the time

I am almost late

Better not be late

Don't want to be late

White in my back

Heated seat

One more wait

What time is it?


Afraid again

It's happening once more

I'll break through

Get out of this sleep

One more time

Ask the waiter

What time is it?


Again I'm here

Alone again

Afraid not

Wipe up the sweat

And carry the Lord


What time is it?

Again I ask

Check already

The time is now

Afraid Again

© 2004 David Greg Harth
