American Nation

Time for a forward movement,

Create a constant revolution.

End the second’s reign,

And innocent’s persecution!


I cut off my tongue,

If that’s what it takes.

It’s worth one more life,

Corruption like snakes!


I repeat my bedtime chant,

Numb teeth forgotten.

Parks sat in front,

Seale ain’t pickin’ cotton.


Bomb ticking before nine,

Give him peaches without blow.

Let him meet Dr. Joseph-Ignace’s fist,

United we will grow!


I chant, I pray,

Let Tatanka Iyotake come back.

Get my people,

I pledge it’s time for an attack!


Gather your battle arms,

Sound your fury.

Bring down the regime,

The citizens are the jury!



© 2007 David Greg Harth


Making Love To Weather

