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Another Time, Another Place

I wish it were another time,

I wish it was a different place.


If we had met,

in a different world

at a different time.


If we had met,

earlier or later,

under different conditions,

who knows?


If the others would have been as noble as I was,

If the others would have returned and honored as I would,

If the others would have shared with you instead of being selfish,

If the others would have embraced you instead of discard you.


I wish it were another time,

I wish it was a different place.


Perhaps she will call again,

perhaps not.

Perhaps she will write me,

Perhaps not.


Another Time, Another Place,

She’s not here by my side,

no kissing

no conversation

no cuddling

no dinner

no dancing

no smiles


Another Time, Another Place,

I wish it were another time,

I wish it was a different place.



© 2004 David Greg Harth