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Banana Toothbrush

You might not think

But this is indeed

A love poem.


I’ll be your monkey

And you’ll be my duckling

You’ll have my banana

And I’ll have your quack.


I see your toothbrush

Every day staring at me

I wonder when you’ll use it



Unravel the laughter

Sing songs out loud

Even bananas and toothbrushes

Can be coming around the mountain, when they come.


Call me in the morning

And let our eyes meet once more

Declare you are mine

And I’ll be yours


I welcome you to the Heart of Harth

Please step inside

Find a cozy spot to curl up

And stay a while.


When we do our river walk next

At the end of the night

Let me walk you to your door

And kiss you goodnight.



© 2006 David Greg Harth