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Emptiness has filled my heart.

Upon my return,

Fill it with all of you.


Become the keeper of my affection.

Let me witness you,

Dance with yourself.


Meet me at El Gran Café on Avinyó.

We will have pastries,

While we get lost in our own blues.


Hold my hand down midnight streets.

Capture my mind,

You’ll gain my soul.


Feel my soft breath on your nape.

The rotation of earth has not paused,

Only your heart has skipped fourteen beats.


Many more sunrises and sunsets are to be seen.

With you in my arms,

Makes them so much more extraordinary.


Strip off the facades of disbelief.

Say your last goodbyes,

Welcome forever a man of lasting chivalry.


No longer a secret.

Such passion of two

Is beyond infinite divine.


Pull up the battering ram.

Break down my walls of stone and clay,

Make me fall beneath my two feet.


Years without hatched seeds.

You stumbled upon my heart,

Now you’ve taken up residence.


Let us make love beneath a Van Gogh sky.

You are my sanctuary of tranquility,

The only one that can part my seas of reason.


Allow me to enter.

I’ll cascade you with all my love,

Forever I’ll be in your soul.


Open up your atriums.

Discover that I really do have wings,

My whispers will cuddle you to sleep in a Sycamore’s shade.


Pull back the curtains.

See what is in front of you,

Listen and become the woman you truly are.


Get lost with me

Before the bagpipers play their last respect,

And I’m lowered to the donation

Of man’s life long journey of ache.



© 2006 David Greg Harth