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Breakfast With My Thumbs

I’m not a lover of Corn Pops.

My father ate those when I was growing up.

I love Cocoa Puffs, that’s perhaps my favorite.

Although, they kinda hurt the roof of your mouth – like Cap’n.

Crunch, but I love Cap’n Crunch with Crunch Berries, although,

now they have green and blue berries and it looks disgusting,

but, I think I’d still like it. Yum. Lucky Charms is good too.

I really love good old cheerios. Cocoa Pebbles is awesome too.

Even fruity. Maybe I’ll get some Count Chocula soon.

I haven’t had Frankenberry forever.

I’m a Cinnamon Raisin bagel man, if plain.

If with cream cheese and/or lox, then poppy please!!

I like plain coffee. At times flavored, but never vanilla.

I love all fruit too. Def. have to have my apple a day.

Kiwis are good too – lots of vitamin C!

I’m a HUGE apple cider fan. It’s quite orgasmic.

I can only really drink fresh squeezed OJ.

When OJ is processed, it becomes more acidic for some reason,

same with fresh squeezed OJ that is left over night.

I love potatoes too! And Asparagus!


© 2007 David Greg Harth