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Bronze Beauty

My invisible tongue remains silent

Until you shed scattered bronze light

At the first sight of tonight’s moonshine


Your beauty is a symphony

Orchestrated perfectly

With honey copper colors

Sparkling like a new found jewel


Your joy is to be held

And forever remembered and cherished


I hear the music

I see the visions

Of your beauty coming towards me


I’ll be the knight

Who guides your way

Through many forests you will enter


I will be tortured to save your innocence

And I will cry to soothe your pain

And I will honor you

Your beauty is strong like sunlight’s penetration through medieval ponds

Your beauty stands out in my mind beyond Michelangelo’s great chapel

Your beauty is a statue with a pedestal I shall compare all flowers too


Whatever your honesty

Whichever penalty you choose

However, you persuade me

Or see right through me


Whether you see it as a beginning

Or the beginning of the end


I’ll never forget your first smile

My first glance


Or the temporary world

We shared


Looking at you

Is staring at the sun and the moon

At once


Seeing you dance

Casting shadows that are venomous

To the ground you stand on


The curves twisting in warm candle light

Eating up my thirsty eyes

Forcing me near Salomé


As you sleep

I whisper sweetness into your apricot ears


I wish you would play in the rain with me

So, I can see water flow down your back

And lick the dribble off your nose


So, I can kiss you

Under sunny showers

Skies that open up


I wish you were my portrait

And you would blossom under my skin

For your brown eyes is all I have

Is all I have






© 1998 David Greg Harth