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I want to light you on fire

You in your suit

White collar

Golden nugget around your finger

I want to burn you

Burn you to death


I want to see the fire come between your teeth

In the cracks see the fire

See the lies light up in reds and yellows and oranges

Burn you

Burn you to death


I want to show you the blue light

The intense heat and take your Italian suit to the morgue

I want your flesh to burn and all at Broadway to watch

Burn burn burn


I want to light you on fire

And throw a happening around your stench

Burn you to the cross

Or burn you to the market stock

Burn you to the television

Or burn you in the Hamptons


I want to see you burn

I want to hear your heated screams

I want to see your flesh melt

And the dollar coins fall from your pockets

Back to my earth

Burn, burn, burn.



© 2001 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC @ 296 NYC