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Don’t F With Me

Don’t Fuck With Me!

Don’t say you are going to phone, and don’t.

Don’t say you promise, and you don’t come through.

Don’t say you’ll dance with me, and you don’t!

Don’t fuckin fuck with me!


Don’t Fuck With Me!

Don’t say one thing, and do the direct opposite.

Don’t say you’ll visit me, and you don’t.

Don’t say you’ll attend the exhibit, and you don’t show up.

Don’t say you’ll cook dinner, and you don’t.

Don’t say you’ll be in New York, and you don’t come.


Don’t fuckin fuck with me!

Don’t tell me lies.

Don’t tell me you went off the pill.

Don’t tell me you won’t see me anymore.

Don’t tell me you got wed behind my back.

Don’t tell me you are a man.

Don’t tell me your mother wants you back home at eight.

Don’t tell me you left for the coast.

Don’t tell me that your lover is back in your life.

Don’t fuckin F with me.

Don’t fuckin lie.

Don’t fuckin be bitch.

A coward.

A slut fuck.

Don’t bend over and kiss the witness goodbye.


Don’t F with me!

Don’t fuckin penetrate my mind for one instant, then leave.

Don’t fuckin take the cheap fix.

Don’t be faceless in my life.

Don’t fuckin play the bass and leave the stage.

Don’t fuckin back out now.

Don’t Fuck with Me!


Don’t Fuckin F with me....



© 2002 David Greg Harth