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Dear Ladies,


This past weekend I took a class in EMO. A two day course taught by two doctors that are married to each other. They are experts in sensuality and sexuality with ongoing courses in New York and California. They also have their own book out. I learned a lot this weekend. One thing I learned, is that I myself, have had the right ideas about sensuality and sexuality all along. But I also learned a lot which I did not know, and learned on how I can improve in the areas in which I lack. By improving in these areas, that will make my relationships with my lovers and partners even better. At this point, you may be reading and wondering what EMO stands for. I’d be delighted to tell you. EMO stands for Extended Massive Orgasm.  Basically, the course taught me how to stimulate a woman with hand to genital contact and the possibility of giving her an EMO. In fact, part of the course was the husband and wife doctor team demonstrating. I witnessed the wife have an hour long Orgasm. Our problem as a general society is that we define an orgasm as cumming or ejaculating. But that is not the focus of the course. A person can indeed be in an orgasmic state, for as long as they want, if you (yourself, or your partner) has the right touch. I won’t go on much longer, but, I did learn the technique by attending the demo workshop and hands on workshop. I’ve also been reading the book too. So, ladies, I’m here. I’m available. And, I need to practice what I have learned. (Ha ha, but I really did go to this course.)


Yours truly,

David Greg Harth



© 2002 David Greg Harth