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Part I.


I am the Enemy.

I am the target.

Everyone hates me.

From South to West.

The married, the involved, the single.

I have done mad, evil things.


I am no longer, the icon of beauty,

the icon of what perfect mistakes can be.


I am no longer, the loved, the hero, the dreamer.

I am just an Enemy.

I am target number one.

I am the devil from hell.

I am God’s Enemy; I don’t believe in him.


I am the Enemy, by choice.

I am her lasting Enemy.

I am their worst nightmare; I caused children’s tears.


I am the Enemy.

I am evil.

I am removed, forgotten, brushed away.

I am looked down upon, frowned upon, spit upon.

People turn their heads as they pass me.

People turn their heads as thoughts of me run through their mind

Part II.


I am the Enemy.

Because I was being me, instead of someone.

I am the Enemy.

Because I am not here tonight, but elsewhere.

I am the Enemy.

Because I have caused pain, for the sacrifice of my own.

I am the Enemy.

Because I am human.


I am the Enemy.

Everyone thinks I’m a fool.

I am the Enemy.

Everyone thinks I have no soul.

I am the Enemy.

Everyone thinks I’m made of filth.

I am the Enemy.

Everyone thinks I deserve blood.


I am the Enemy.

Because soundtracks to films did not spell out my life story.

I am the Enemy.

Because I did not swear the truths I didn’t believe in.

I am the Enemy.

Because my mind escaped every day.


I am the Enemy.

Because you made me the Enemy.

Enemy Number One.





© 2001 David Greg Harth