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False Artist

“False Artist”

I am a false artist

I am a fraud

A fake

I’m a scam, a cheat, a dupe

Bogus and phony – Shit

I am invalid

I’m such a fake fucking artist

I’m a coward

With knees shaking at the entrance

Graphite on my fingers

The scent of oils in my mouth

Angst of the unaffordable

Torn and twisted of what is attainable


Drenched in tears

Claimed to be without fears

Often lying in pain from my man made disease

Studio walls close in on you

Art supplies come crashing down

You sink in the quicksand

Swallowing your last stand

And you give up

So easily you surrender

Because you’re a fake fucking artist

Making up deadlines

Drawing portraits and lines and lines and more damn lines

Coughing up blood

Oozing a better symphonic plea

Born in Canaan

Got hit by a landslide and walked once more

My spine raddled

Spew forth the nightmares of encephalitis

A snake’s autosarcophagy has become my wet dream

Poisoned by the hollow promises of 213 feet

I am a false artist

I am a fraud

A fake, an invalid

© 2019 David Greg Harth
