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Give me the drugs

Let me sleep tonight

And not wake up tomorrow

Let me hear knocks at the door

And shoot me up with morphine

So I cant see her beauty

Or hear her laugh



Transplant my heart

I need a snake’s coldness

Let me violently whip around

And never be able to hug her again

Or if, so ever



Give me your eyes

So, a new set can be held

And I’ll never have the pain of thinking about her



Wash me down

So, I can forget about my beliefs

Show me the view

To translate my horrors

Take me downtown

To get tests that reveal my truths



Restrain me

So I wont break glass down your chest

So I wont cry myself to sleep

Cradiling my head in my arms



Send yourself to me

Because when I’m with you I forget about her

And I’d like to absorb the scent from which you grow

And I’d like to remember you

As the lasting image of beauty

not her




© 1998 David Greg Harth