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Found Days

Life is just a show

An assortment of catalogs

And told commercials

We are assembled and manufactured

And look into our lovers’ eyes


Love is created by corporate stands

Bookmark sayings and hallmark greetings

The episode I miss most

And desire the most

Is the never ending until next week to be continued one


These are the days

Where I remember those who adjusted

And those who affected me

Have become infected

With HIV


I remember deeply

Their smiles, their courage, their touch

I remember their words, their power, their warmth

I’ll never forget, and I’ll always pass on

Their true love


Love can’t be bought or taught

Love can only be experienced

And those who share will continue

And all I can do is smile

And think of you


Life is just a show

These are the days

I’ll never forget the sweet bananas

Your bleeding gums

And your crooked smile


The mint white sheets

And eager looks toward the Day

What you have found in me

And what I have found in you

The laughter


Looking out windows of rain

You shared your warmth with myself and others

I can only grasp at the memories

And shed salt tears in your name

And forget about being captured


I cry




© 1999 David Greg Harth