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you bitch

you demon

you make them believe

you make me a product

you make my mother beg


you are dirt

scum from my cock

you are a bum’s last urine

and you still come back



I don’t refer to you

I don’t capitalize you

I visualize you

I imagine you

I can picture you



you are evil

you are a baby’s breath

lost from a beaten husband

you are a hanger for pros

and lust from nukees out west

you are a marcher and become a face

of a priest or rabbi

even a CEO


god you are my television

you are a cleaner

you are my servant

because I form you

I mold you

you are only my thoughts

which I do not believe

do not believe


god you are a whisper

you are my love’s gate

and cage

and cook


god you do not exist

I am without a chest

I hear the sounds

the revolutions

and repetitions


but all you can give me

is parting seas

books of words

clothing full of assholes

and emblems representing your existence


I say fuck you

as I eat at your heavenly body

your soul

your belief

your printed matter

your trees and nicely cropped bush


I say fuck you

as your servants beg of you

kneel to you

bow to you

I do NOT capitalize you

or socialize with you


I put my hands out

and milk you of your existence

and nurse you as you die

upon my shoulders






© 1998 David Greg Harth