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Grey Hair (Orange Juice & Coffee)

We took the sour Orange Juice together

soaked in the wetness of health

and had a delightful toast

She massaged my back and that was that


Like dead animals living

flesh eating flesh

She quivered in her own cum


She used salt chalk for make up

Q-tips until her ears bled

brushed her teeth until gums bled

choked on her tears


He laughed and laughed with me

We ate sweet bananas together

And laughed at the fat laugher and the tall guy

That guy was really tall and skinny and always shook

He did the Thorazine shuffle

Wish I was in the Day.


She really knows how to burn a friendship

and scatter the ashes

across the plains of death

I wonder if she will tuck me in at night

Read me a bedtime story

Knowing I cannot respond

or remember her name?


I got dressed up in my tuxedo

We wined and dined and she did her usual grind

We had a ball, a grand all time

but it wasn’t her who I wanted

All these years

I wait and wait,

search and search


I see her reflection

her dirty ragged old hair

her aged skin with valleys of wrinkles

Liver spots and dead skin drifting to the floor

I comb her thick hair and hold her fragile hand

We talk for lasting hours into the night

I learn about her two sons and her daughter

The life she had in the vivid colors of greens and blues


Tomorrow a new day

it’s today

to see my friend, I dive the traffic

and I find her dead

Her silver hair

She gave me ten-dollar bill in my hands

I never said thankyou

It rained down

Oil upon my face


I go outside

Rub chalk on my face

and wash up

brush my teeth

and discover my feet under the covers

You know I did wrong

but I only sang the song I knew

and now my hair is grey.




© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC @ 296 NYC