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Head First

I knew nothing then of what I knew today

She had bright red hair

Above her head and below.


Freckles covered her body

In between her pasty white skin poked out,

Said hello.


I was innocent then.

Not even a lover.

We just swallowed each other’s kisses.


An hour before she rode me dry in my car.

Fogged autumn windows

Tail lights were out.


In the wood paneled basement, we sat

Lying on the leather couch she began

Slowly inching downwards


Unbuckled, unbuttoned, pulled

She encompassed me with her lips

Whole in its entirety


The feeling reminded me

All the previous times of self-pleasure

Growing up so unexperienced


Sliding, gliding with her tongue

Such intensity

I could not believe what I saw before me.


Her red hair is all I see

What I feel is wet

Explosive in my teen sensations


Her parents walked upstairs

Back and forth, back and forth

On the linoleum kitchen floor


I feared they would come down

To discover their innocent daughter

Mouth wrapped around me


Before they took steps downward

I drowned her throat

With my first vocal cavity emergence.



© 2005 David Greg Harth