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I remember

I remember watching the snowfall beneath the street lamp

While I hoped for the death of education at tomorrow’s first sunrise


I remember fucking the cocaine high mother

While her hubby with a stache jerked off while on-looking


I remember burning ants with a magnify glass as a kid

While hearing their pops and smelling their skin toast


I remember my big plastic green army machine gun

While playing army man at war in my treelined backyard


I remember the squirrel that chewed up electric lines

While I brought one as a gift in a bag for a friend


I remember the ones who said no

While I continue to kneel down and ask for forgiveness


I remember recording their conversations

While I masturbated to their smelly dates


I remember playing tic-tacs

While being psychic


I remember seeing the elder guy fuck the bonded one

While I on-looked the fat man’s praise


I remember Valentine’s and open air January

While winter came and gone


I remember pinning moths after the catch

While spreading their powder and glisten across my fingers


I remember watching peace

While nails came out of doors


I remember spray-painting ‘GASM’ on cement

While the stream sparkled and frogs leaped and croaked


I remember my big wheels

While skidding in the gravel dirt at the circle


I remember being pulled over by a trooper

While a semi-automatic was being fired just across my head


I remember writers taking cabs

While others talked dollars around round tables


I remember cows being tipped

While I told stories of lies


I remember my father in a limo

While dark race traveled through words of conduct on Broadway streets



I remember wet dreams in fantasy sheets

While urine tests proved nothing


I remember your face as you read my poetry

While I connected dots to satisfy your wet one


I remember your analyzation of my soul

While I take a bullet between my bitten teeth


I remember the love you have given

While I refused to listen


I remember the god in Florida

While I was a little kid who packaged large ones


I remember stealing plastic whores of fat drunken pigs

While skeptical apples knew of my existence


I remember falling in deep shit

While the shit didn’t even recognize my face


I remember your thoughts and feelings

While I write this damn mother fucker today





© 1998 David Greg Harth>NJ->NJ07430