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Love (Version #13)

It’s 9 O’clock in the morning

I just poured the tea

From my corner kitchen view

I see you rising from the bed of white


My heart beats loudly today

I know I’m in love

I’ve never felt anything quite like this before

Nothing so powerful, so overwhelming, so unique, so strong


I have warm chills throughout my body

Making me thirst to be with you constantly

And hungry for the surface of your skin

Inspired by your thoughts and kindness


The world is good to me today

Bright, happy, dandy, jolly

Because I am with you now

And you make my world a much better place to live in


Without you I live under a dark cloud

With you I am together and true and filled with smiles

I paint black self-portraits when you are not around

I rediscover who I am and learn about life when I am with you


You make me want to be a better person

Never knew I believed in Love, but your existence proved it to me

The feeling is so extraordinary

Unbelievable, beyond my human comprehension


You are the angel I have always dreamed about

Beautiful and intelligent

You are beyond the greatest fantasy

True in every way


You are the meaning to the lyrics of all my favorite songs

Sexy and challenging

You are a gift I will cherish for eternity

Real in my previously unreal world


Thank you for loving me

Thank you for everything

I love you




© 2002 David Greg Harth