No Stopping

Earth can stop rotating

Constellations can stop appearing in the night sky


The sun can stop casting shadows

The moon can stop shining after dark


Trees can stop emanating oxygen

Leaves can stop changing colour


Oceans can stop crashing their tides

Wind can stop drifting wished upon eye lashes


Birds can stop their migration

Spiders can stop spinning their webs


Children can stop playing with their rocking horse

Grandmas can stop baking chocolate chip cookies


Pastors can stop officiating

Rabbis can stop praying


Secrets can stop being hidden

Dreams can stop occupying your sleep


Poets can stop writing

Artists can stop painting


Memories can stop being remembered

Futures can stop being predicted


My love for you,

            — will never stop



© 2007 David Greg Harth


Dropping Pants


Sandwich Crust