Not Really, Not Real, Missing

It wasn’t real

Only a temporary situation

It will be resolved when the moment is over

Like a dream she came and went

If only I remembered my teeth and wishbones



Making July love

Heated extravaganza

Yelling matches

Fist punches

Thirsty for a beverage

Down by the sea


Flying East

I’m hit against the head

With a shovel, a fork, a sickle, a tuna hook

Memory is now served

Flush it down

Worries aside

Making happiness is beautiful


Forgetting your name

I drag myself up and out

Exiting the room, I look behind

One more glance, one more stare

Without a lasting scent

She is gone, she is gone


Last year’s place of birth

Today’s traveling sensation

Observed the tower falling

Enter my room

Pull the trigger against the village

I survive the pulling

Not really



© 2008 David Greg Harth


Stopping Love

