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Oma and Opa (Version #3)

I stopped everything

 To go watch my grandmother die


I took the A train uptown to 207th St

 And walked up the street where the black squirrels ran


Three children were sledding down the snow covered hill

 In laundry baskets, sleds, and cookie sheets


How could someone be so depressed and sad

 When children play just outside?



I found my grandmother laying in the chair

 Still and motionless

 Not knowing I was there

I bent down

 And held her hand

 It was cold and veiny, filled with spots from the liver

She awoke to my warm touch and smile


Her grey hair had not been washed in days

Her whiskers on her cheek unclipped

Her leg swollen from where the cancer was carved away

Her depression making her hunch-back and stiff


Her wrinkles competing with her fragile structure

Her blue eyes still as powerful as my own

Her tears salty to the glance

Her heart still beating from the love


I delivered my words

As much as I could

Of hope and strength



Awards and certificates line the walls

 Old portraits and photographs too

My artwork from when I was little

 And articles about my grandfather’s favorite Democrats


The door knobs still have crystal on them

The door frames still arched

The couch still covered in plastic

The candy dish still on the round coffee table


My grandparents wearing their old clothes

From so many years ago

I don’t even know what is hip

In or out


The bed was unmade

Easier access perhaps

The dishes were clean

There was an overabundance of food from Meals-On-Wheels



She can no longer walk

Or go to the toilet alone

No more cookies for me

No more smiles on her face


She can no longer breathe sunny air

Afraid to go to doctors

Taking numerous pills a day, an hour

She sits and cries


All she can say

Is that God is punishing her

And never forget about her Five sisters and Mother

Murdered by the Nazis

As she escaped

And ran away

From Lithuania



As the sun came down today

They will not let me take the subway home

We order a car service

Arriving on time


They pack me full of different goodies

Fruit and Milk mainly

They have so much they cannot finish

Instead of rotting, they send it with me


Sometimes, as I see those pears rot in their kitchen

I make direct associations, and see them



Oma still lives


What do I do now?




© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 83PTW NYC @ 296E NYC