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Harlem streets

Holocaust massacres

Montreal North

Montana West


Fresh cut hair

And fresh cut grass

Hungry for death

And can’t bear to fast


Half of me taken

Snakes beneath a child’s bed

Followed your footsteps to hell

It was you who led


In fields of skeletons

Lovemaking, crafting, and dying

The excavator found me

Exhausted of loneliness, I am trying


Reborn in a cocoon of thought

Beginnings end near

Bypass in two weeks’ time

I have landed, I am here


Beyrouth streets

Deconstructing division walls

Tripoli South

Tokyo East


He calls my name from shadows

I’m ready with black ink

Hailing to him I raise my holy cup

We are one and ready to drink


Called from heaven, called for prayer

Messages left inside love’s shrine

History tells of legends past

Read my scans and puncture my spine


Bring out the audience

Raise the musty blood-red curtain

Announce the deceased famous

Devil birds by the sea are quite certain


Chapters end and sentences depart

Stories passed on for generations

Borders out of control, compass spinning

Painting dictators of all the great nations


New York streets

Living for nine lives more

41.373223, -74.304438

Over and over, beyond the 12th floor



© 2009 David Greg Harth
