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Re: Huummh!

Dead ants waterskiing

relatives that drink down

the backs of

young women

on used coffee grinds.

tasted black from the forms

out back


can’t do much

because that’s that


and it sure ain’t hell that miss ivy

league bitch


the freshmen team!


cause it ain’t miss town.

the busses running obscure hours

all the time

to get to and from

left of the right

around the back


lost on the back of a gnat

cum drenched winos in time.


for the mothers who had sons

lost at the war

ribbons tied to the bums

just one more




begging for sniff

even a scratch

big brick of USDA cheese

with its mother fucker of a latch.


yule logs burn

and so does disease

constitutions of tradition

the reciprocal of ease.




between my crotch

is someone’s snatch


i wish i had a match

to lite up miss america’s little ass!


hairy man

in the tub full of spam



its corporate CEOs

that don’t give me blows


wish i had a 9mm

shoot them all down


eat the pig’s feet

lick up the juices i could defeat




sucking cock at 3 a.m.

and assholes bleeding amen!


time to rape my fate

and break away from this track

find a big titted slut

and fuck her rack

with angst anxiety and touch of love

her nipples hard and driven

with hope from above





it’s a whaling sound

I made her scream


like the sheep i rammed

i fucked way back when


a child i was

horny as can be


now I’m only aged to ripeness

for firm titted women adjusted




i remember when

my veiny cock


it flowed of blood and cum

and a goat’s lasting jizz


i remember when

the professors fucked me


and when my thick one

was bulging

as I am today

for he and she and she and he

its all around the monopoly!!



my only friend is my cock

in my hand

fucking myself each night

with a cheap bottle


too late too fast too hard

fuck you!

each day passes with thoughts

of how to avoid being molested

by society.


long hard pull

drink orgasm smoke shit.

i will shave for you.



wanting to rub your cock against a poodle

dreams of all young men


the silver screen drives

ideals like Fat Albert


scantily clad young lovers

with M-16’s tattooed on their chests

escape from war crimes

by visiting the Met.


an icon’s wheels went

round and round - hit the ground

caught by a catcher in the raw

stuck on rye.


watch me now

catch me now

i am falling

i’m down.


blow jobs for the country

all around.


my ass rots and

my stomach stinks

perfumes and laxatives



imagine no toilets or showers?


i desire a piece of plate glass on my face

while you shit on me.

defecation proclamation!




and with a tongue and cheek

I suck on the poison


the blood leaked from my asshole

only to find it

wrapped around my finger

for a mother to dine for, above


I hear the rhythm in the distance

and all they do is light up a smoke


the elder jerks off beneath his sheets

as the one in blue wears my hue




with donation baskets that

reek of filth and lies

and someone else’s bloody mess

i sit and wait to hear you say

halleluiah brother i covet

your fucking wife.


olive oil seeping down

the crack up a prostitute’s back

while families die in vain

over the tree.


the children

are drowning in a sea of

sweat pouring off of the

sacks and cracks of parents

who just

live with the it.



recalling the priest at the steps

begging me to blow him

suck his long cock

full of 7inches of semen

rock hard



recalling pounds of patty cake patty cake

bakers MY!

and that good tasting coffee cake

that I used to get in my lunch box

as a kid



Last gym pick

skinny mother

Wish I fucked her.


Recalling the great masturbator

Of the undercover floor - he died

or the Dali floor


Licked up

Fucked up

Chained up

And he asks to be dominated

Like an abortion pizza.


my head aches because

I can’t act out and let

you know how much

I fucking hate you and

your fat fucking face with

all that shit you spew on a

daily weekly monthly yearly


I look forward to the day the nail is

driven deep into your final place

of failure.

Instigation, guilt, mental tormentation

devised by your sick and twisted skull

fuck you

taking a bat to you blubbering body

would be like a rhapsody

as climactic as blowing a load


on the face of some school girl

for the first time.

Years later you still linger inside my head

each time I look in the mirror I

see you

hear you

smell you

feel you

loathe you

curse you

want to spit.

Sexual ambiguities stem from

your dominatrix brain.

you could have fucked me

beat me

kicked me

shit on me,

but you decided too mentally

tie my brain in a knot

to the bed posts of life

with your ever wrenching clinch on

all dreams and aspirations.

You emasculating bitch

I hope you rot in Hell!




and then lyrics

i heard them

about you and you and you and you

your wavy white ass in front of my face

a demolition beer

a beautiful ass

so tight it can be

all you do is stand in front of me

and blow out of your fuckin’ hole!


Ill sew you up

that’s what I’ll do!

Your lips on top

and between your thighs


Ill strap a dildo

I won’t let you inside

I remember your phone calls

And how you died tonight


I cut of your finger

as you begged for a locker

You had a slice of fish

And I, Play-Dough


Then the image burned

From TIME magazine

for you

a candle

in the wind...





fucking your stinky

pussy with a cucumber

i bite the head off

of my own existence

with my finger up your

ass the shit still



slapping cocks against your

chinny chin chin

you were my fortune



school bells ring-aling


here I am another Pavlovian



I need a drink.

I want my cigarettes.

I’m tired!



and then she came home

closed the door

put on the music

and dripped


hot wax all over my body

the the woman next to me

and the man next to her


heat all over

it was nice


nice nice nice








i fucked her without

a hat

last night

came all over her face

stomach clit and thighs.

woke up half drunk

kicking myself in the ass

for my

irresponsible idiocies.

i scrubbed my cock

beet red

till i realized

it doesn’t fucking really

matter anyways because eventually

i’ll be dead.



but when I die

I will recall

that mother of the dead

will portray her daughter


the mothers will come from a far

to visit the graves of the dead

their daughters and sons

and husbands too


the widows come

sorry and sad

hungry for sex

and a big thick cock too


the mothers would come

to worship the dead

and there I lay

for them to mount


the mothers come

they straddle my dead thick cock

and with movements known to the dead

the mothers open their legs


they ride me like a stallion

amongst the dark graves

of the night




they fuck me till daylight

or when their daughters rise

from the graves I dug



each night i lay in

my coffin

scratching the walls

to freedom.

the felt lining was

once a place to ejaculate

fantasies over and over

and again and

again and


and then i finally realized

that mothers do inspect the


embarrassing loads of thick

dried cracking cum stain

my adolescence.

i want to cum mother

and you can’t stop me!

i no longer share the

bathroom with anyone

because now i have sprouts of

puberty popping in

my p.j.’s and Winnie-the-Pooh

even looks at me in a different light.

do you and dad fuck?

hard to imagine you bending over for anyone!

plus, there wasn’t anything he could

give any of us anyhow.


and even today

as I press my covered cock

against their wet covered pussies

as I dry fuck them

then I explode

with overflowing cum

into my boxers

above their wet cunt

should I be embarrassed?

or just continue on?

should i get breakfast?

or a lesson in control?

or maybe I should just be straight?

or gay?

or bisexual?

or just a mule in a castle and go home for

the night?



twiddling my thumbs!


oh like Dorothy

like a television show

sucking on honey

and a lasting impression

of big



you have seen

behind my curtain.

the controls which control

my Oz.

Lions and Tigers and Bears

Oh my!

I am melting!

Can I cum in your

red slipper?



am I not a buffoon?

or just dr. seuss?

last mr. magoo?

do i taste thy cum?

or just wish you made me hum!



green eggs and ham

or a tub full of spam

it doesn’t matter to me

i just want to go on a

cumming spree.

Hee hee said the quaint

little chickadee

until i bent her over

and fucked her until

her eggs broke.


i’d like to crack an

egg on your skull and

lick the yoke until

it dries hard on your

chinny chin chin

she said

while i read your favorite

nursery rhymes to you

so i wont wet the bed.

plastic sheets drawn

tight with nurses

corners can make an

autoerotic day so

bright and so gay.

all sleep and no play

makes me a bad boy!



she said eloquent

I said, bitch, just kneel at my feet

she said eloquent

I said, babe, I’m just an elephant

she said don’t quit

I said, babe, I’m faithful 100%


she kneeled down

I bit at her frown

she made me cum

a sticky hot load

down her snob of a neck

she died in my arms

because i shot her in the head



love is nothing but

a sodomites fantasy

cum true.


the smell of your unwashed


makes me harder than

a totem pole at

a pigmy bonfire.




and tea bags

sit well

upon your chin.

i want to smother you,

control you,

and make you the

object of my desire.

she responded with

a smile and said,

why don’t you just fuck me

like the pig that i am

for starters,

than we can move on

to the real fucking.

i want to fuck your


from the inside out

and play handball with your

feelings, she replied.

oh goodie!


wake up dead man!



urine pouring down your back

beauty breaking at the spine

sunny days around here

garbage cans filled everywhere




beauty americans in the street

shooting killings out west beat

grateful sins on little tins

tiny children sucking their thumbs


photographs displayed

meat portrayed

buy it buy it

i am a consumer




deciding on your tombstone

what i wish were my birth

i go walking to the lines

of blurred sensations

and get my highs from

someone other than you.


licking your legs in

the afternoon,

and hearing you on the telephone crying


got me hard.




I wish I had a tomato

I’d let it rot outside

and then when it’s nice

and gooshy

and moldy

and wet

and awful smelly


I’d take it inside

to your nude chest

and drive a nail through it

the red rounded tomato

right upon your breast




roll me around in syrup

shave the hair off my nuts

and fuck me

in the ass with your




degrade me.

rape me.

hate me.

love me.


can i buy you a cup of me?


dear peanut butter dust,


I think I ran out of rust

Just the other day

How about we forget

about the fat man’s hand

on my crotch today.


that sounds lovely

because i feel like jumping

off the GWB!


there isn’t

anything to do

there isn’t

anything to say

just trying to make it

through one

more day.

i got to make it

through the day!





feeling the lovely boy

feeling the lovely tape

I hardly knew you yesterday

but today i feel like a raped ape



ah the sweet smell of a

hairy shit

after a real long night

of heavy drinking.


I once saw a person

She barfed in the toilet

I once pulled a chain

Like from that toilet and chain

I once had an ankle with a ball

Like a chain and ball

I once had a friend

With big blue balls

Like elephants and rhinos

and super duper bouncing balls

I once saw a women

her tits bounced all over

I once had a woman

she between my balls

Like an elephant and rhino






© 1998 David Greg Harth