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Red Beauty

Rolling thunder passes

   Great land of the white one

   Pass the magic corn of the earth


To the west of red beauty

   Beneath glorious sky

   To moon’s daughter


Bleeding hawk intertwines

   Among the riching forest

   Deep birch, sweet cedar and sturdy oak


Buffalo are roaming to the mighty rivers now

   For your beauty I take

   And eat your poison and swallow my fire of pride


Share my sacred pipe with your painted face

   In these brave summers of thicketed visions

   And tongues of stirring ashes


I’ve lost my eagle soaring guide

   With pressed hands and clenched fists

   My wounded heart pounds as the mountain speaks


With leaves of golden amber

   And wild pure water flowing

   Chanting of your beauty in passages


Come dance with me in the falling rain

   Rain with me

   Down promising trails of flames


Singing swallows can be heard

   Behind my brothers and sisters

   As dawn comes over great brown bear


Your beauty like nothing of this earth

   Beating the dirt back to its core

   Following the blooming flowers to your footprints


The beauty you shine with

   Makes the growing sun and stars fight to reflect upon you

   As I imagine my blue eyes upon your breast


The desert becomes hotter as you raise

  The holy flames on the land

  And take the rainy season to flood lands


Powerful sun beams beat off your beauty

   Into the mighty night sky

   Showing the overhead night birds a wonder sight


Your beauty shakes the tremendous strong earth

   Quite beyond your structure of lust

   I sink in the sand to be with you


As your beauty burns and dances like fire

   In the minds of myself and my fathers before me

   I honor you and give you earth gifts


Silent cuts on palms remind me

  The delicate lines of your beauty eyes

  Making the smokey signals of my desire


Your beauty quietly escapes the red land

  Mounts on top of great blue blankets

  And becomes one without me in the darkness




© 1999 David Greg Harth