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Red Stadium Light

Red stadium light

Penetrated you and I


She was silhouetted

All I can see was bright light


Tingle through my veins

Blood boiling


Warmth from the blast

She was dancing high above


Standing on the chairs

Facing forward towards the light


Grooving, Powerful, Feeling

Falling from airplanes

Catching yourself in the net of love


Reaching, Holding her

My hand on her waist

From behind


Red stadium light

It ignited us

Made my flames burn

Made my tears think

Made my feet tumble from underneath me


Red stadium light

Rained down upon me

Blue sky overnight

Warm air breathed in


She danced in front of me

Like fire in the wind

Like sails in the sea

Like dandelions in the field


Red stadium light

It bounced all around us

My head down in shame

Leaving with nothing


I saw the insides

I explored

I had my twist

I had my time


Now all I can do is walk away

Walk out

Before it’s too late

Before you go

Before the red light goes down

Before the sky turns to dawn


Now all I can do is walk towards you

Walk in

After you have given

After you came

After the red light goes down

After the stars go to sleep


But before I go

Or after I go

Know this

The red light is always on

The stadium lights are always on

Until a box is let loose



© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC