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Oh, darling, I hear your voice calling

Oh, darling, I smell your bounding scent on my sheets

Oh, darling, I taste your lips in my horizons


Rescue me from this pain I’m in

Rescue me from this cruel world

Rescue me from this symphony of love


Oh, darling, I see you in the daylight

Oh, darling, I view you in my dreams

Oh, darling, I listen to your beating heart


Rescue me from the poetry at the tip of my tongue

Rescue me from the thoughts I’ve had for years

Rescue me from the love I lack


Oh, darling, I wish you were here

Oh, darling, I can’t get you out of my mind

Oh, darling, I dream of you daily


Rescue me from this horrible sea

Rescue me from this quest I have for you

Rescue me from this struggle I’m in


Oh, darling, I want you in my arms

Oh, darling, I would die every day for your love

Oh, darling, I knew the falling would be hard


Rescue me from this unbearable disease

Rescue me from this unhappy emptiness

Rescue me from this uncontrollable suffering


Rescue me from the need I have

Rescue me from the desire I live

Rescue me from the heart ache


Oh darling, you’re the one,

Oh darling, I’ve waited so long,

Oh darling, come into my arms,


Oh darling, Oh darling,

Rescue me, Rescue me.




© 2003 David Greg Harth