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Robot Whore

Robot Whore

Sucking on my thick cock

Always going back for more

Never beating the clock


Robot Whore

I command her to sit and stay

Her clothes I ripped and tore

Without hesitation she did obey


Robot Whore

Sink your throat down on me

Kneel and drop to the floor

Become my sin and my escapee


Robot Whore

Swallowing every last drop

Over and over, she is so sore

She gushes when she’s on top


Robot Whore

Bite marks covering her bare skins

Doing her sloppy to ignore

Big tits forming gigantic twins


Robot Whore

Sinking teeth into flesh

Conflicting emotions at war

Slap her face for being fresh


Robot Whore

She’s compliant and she begs

With rough fucking we hardcore

The slut has no eggs


Robot Whore

Fishnet stockings on her thighs

I fucked, I cursed, I swore

Bulging cock in disguise


Robot Whore

Making me shoot a creamy cum

When I explode, I let out a roar

Multiple convulsions with a hum


Robot Whore

Only a fat thick cock incredibly hard

Missing the she I so greatly adore

Memories of you, I now discard




© 2011 David Greg Harth