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I like the smell of your grape breath

Your New Jersey hairspray

I see your piglet ass

Tight red shirt and blonde hair

Like an ambitious tour and cherished moment

Silver shirt like the shot-gun used to wear

And I have hung

Your goods are baked just right

I’ll never forget handcuffing you

And recalling stories about what he did to you

In that limousine


I took a train ride and met them in Westchester

I took a train ride and met them in Long Island

I took a train ride and met them in Brooklyn

I took a ferry ride and met her in Fort Lee

I could have taken a ferry ride and met them in Staten Island

And I remember the joke my grandfather used to say


I collected the photographs

Didn’t take any yet

I have to phone her back

Wish I had a clock

And a few extra bucks


Thank you for the Oreo cookies

It was quite a dinner!

Where is she, I want to lay beside her

And whisper sweet poetry in her ear

Thank you for the strawberries

I’ll trace your inner thigh with my finger

Later tonight


They didn’t have a good selection in Denver

I paid in Seattle

Bermuda had free ones on the beach

Give me some Mahi-Mahi and bananas too


Wishing upon a star is silly

Hey, you, yes you -

Would you take a shower with me?

God I love showers.

Soapy wet, yum yum!

I wonder who it is

A reader? A volunteer? A hider?


It’s time to go

I’ll get the door

Look who it is

Dressed inappropriately tonight

Who hates that word?

I was once on a cruise ship and tossed plates to the sharks

Not to mention that Richard threw a beach chair over board

Did I say that? Did I make that up?

It’s kind of like the Ten Commandments yet I have a bible

I’m a witness are you?

Time to get romantic





© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC