She Doesn’t Know

Wake up

Slowly rise from your secure sheets

Set aside last year’s tears

Paperwork is done

Signatures made it complete


I love her beyond any moon’s dream

I love her from eternity to infinity

How come she doesn’t know?

I haven’t told her yet.


Wake up

From the sleep which hides you

Bring forth your beauty

Allow me to enter you

As no man has entered you before


I love her more than the stars cradle the moon

I love her more than the waves break on the beach

How come she doesn’t know?

I haven’t told her yet.


Wake up

Let my whispers guide you

Let my gentle touch caress you

This heart belongs to you

Forever you may keep its chambers


Let our lips collide

Through transatlantic borders we do not divide

Love like this will never hide

How come she doesn’t know?

I haven’t told her yet.


© 2009 David Greg Harth


Lost Without
