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I’m sick

Sick once again

Don’t talk to me, I don’t want to be heard

Don’t look at me, I don’t want to be seen

Wish all you wish

Pray all you want too

I know the light will turn back on

One evening


I don’t taste the tastes

Or comprehend the conversations

I don’t understand televisions

Or smell your perfume

I don’t feel the temperature change

Or feel like myself today


I’m sick

One more time

Don’t come near me, I’m not me

Don’t write me, I’m not able to read

Can’t draw like me today,

My drawings come from my second brain today


It’s not a wet dream today

It’s not happening again to me today

It just happened last night

Three hours, Two Weeks, One Month, Four Months

Been there, done that


It’s just about time

It’s going to happen again

Don’t cry for me

Just understand

A coma is just a little break

And I’m about due

To go deep inside

Fall asleep

Wake up in a few years

I’ll be back

Don’t you worry,

I’ll be back



© 2002 David Greg Harth