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Silently Destroyed

Without warning –

            I was attacked


The deadly serpent

Has been stalking me

Watching my every move for the past few months

Watching my comings and goings

Watching my daily routine


She tortured me

She wailed her songs

She lured me with her dance

She punctured my tough skin with her razor sharp teeth


She sucked everything out of me

She removed all of my vital organs

She dug out my heart from its skeletal shell




Without warning –

            I was attacked


The serpent came

Quietly and slowly

From behind she crept

Beneath dark winter clouds

While time was passing on the evolutionary clock


I didn’t see it coming

These terrorist tribunals

These tremendous troubles

These explosive endearments


She stole my season

She captured all my reason

She made me commit to love’s treason




Without warning –

            I was attacked


Night and day

She ate me alive

And she hijacked my heart


Now I am defeated

And now I am destroyed





© 2011 David Greg Harth