Sock Pimp

You pusher

You Swiss Mother Fucker

Bringing your Euro trash wants to

America’s K-Mart and Target and Hanes Catalog Order

You Swiss Mother Fucker!


You trailing behind my gold striped socks

You trading in your comfort greys for black thins

Pushing and pulling and putting on and taking off

You waiting in line for the Mode and Vox and Architect!


You bulldozer sprayer, hand holder, Shinjuku fish eater, squirt maker!

You waffle maker, breast molester, radiology tumbler, fowl mouth kisser!

You fart smeller, shit blood remixer, rock star, Mountain Dew addict!


You Swiss Mother Fucker!

Sock pusher, Sock hustler, Sock whore, Sock pimp!


© 2009 David Greg Harth


Is It Too Late To Call?

