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Tired Of The News

I’m tired of the wars that go on

The ones that the politicians create

And the ones that the political bullshitters avoid and put aside.


I’m tired of the famine the disease and the disgusted

People of authority,

Not on their knees

But on their fake oak formica-covered pedestals!


I’m tired of that.

It’s time to change

To wage a war

A revolution

I’m tired that an aritst is judged and can’t have a curly moustache

Or decked in denim or black suede


I’m tired for Dublin and Sarajevo and South Africa

I’m tired of the rap of hatred

And the breed of creed

And terrible sloth of people’s minds


The news of the sick, the poor

The suffering that could be stopped

The billions on defense

While children bleed with moist blisters on their skin

And wake up the next morning

To the flies on their sister’s dead back


I’m tired of the snowfalls the rainfalls the sunny days

That never happen to those in prison

For making a statement

For saving Tibet


I’m tired for those who love me

And nurture me

Just go away

And be yourself

Find out who you are,

Then maybe I can love you


The news of political dicks

In intern mouths

Baby shitters

And Priests claiming children shows

Are gay because of the fuckin color purple


The news of Joey and Bobbit

And how stocks rise and fall

For ebay and amazon

Yet we don’t care about the forests

That people burn in South America

To build better luxury fuckin’ homes for Trump


As middle-aged white america

Gambles their savings away

Instead of investing

In the children of our future

The hope, the research, the medicine


I’m tired of ‘in god we trust’ on my earned money

Tears and injustice, is never heard by the wallet

Pain and agony for freedom, are never praised by suits and ties

White flags and definitions are never held and followed


I’m tired of the media news

About being homogenized, waltmartized, and terrorized

The hollywoods and sport thieves

Robbing fans and not contributing

To the ones lying dead to save their self


I’m tired of Amnesty being not a priority

While M-16s and F-16s are of top quality

Tired of the news brought to me

Through cellular, electronic and television waves

While hundreds and millions wait for airlifts of food


I’m tired of make-believes, the gay-bashing, the KKK

And the White powers, the racist beasts and Jerry Springer representing America

I’m tired of the news from Iraq and Kuwait and nothing about the

41 shots fired upon innocence in Harlem


The news of glory for fight

For travels of spent money

Dinero for diabolos

And 40oz bottles being sold in the hood


The news of child molestation

And musicians being censored with parental-warning labels

The artists not being funded and Bill Gates monopolizing

With Leonardo on tour


I’m tired of the news

Created by the evil of men and womyn

Of hangers in back alleys

White and black fountains

And abuse at the job


I’m tired of skull crackings and rapists

Serial killers and unprofessionals

Of those who do not respect

And the us for raping Native Americans

Of their home and culture


I’m tired

Of those who do not dream


I’m tired of the news.

I can’t believe the news.





© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC @ 1515 NYC

With inspirations from Jon Karl Holm