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Turning Insides

I love it

And I hate it

When things are in the flow

Like Yin & Yang

Do you know what I mean?


The other day, I was talking to a friend

About the full moon

The next night I look up, and the next, and just yesterday too,

The moon is full

In glory


The other day, I wrote a poem

And referred to Lord Of The Flies

And what do you know

Just the other day after that,

On the television I see

Lord Of The Flies


The other day, I listened to a song

I haven’t heard it in years

And then

I’m sitting in the diner to eat

And what do I hear?

That song


The other day, I was driving

Down along the Hudson

I wish I would hear this one song

Or at least a song from this band I know

And you know what happened?

The song I was thinking of

By the band I wanted

Just played on the radio

As I drove along


The other day, I admitted to myself

That I’m quite attracted to those New York City women

Who wear those pointed cow boy hats

It’s such a turn-on

It drives me crazy




© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 w/PIP&59@287