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In the darkest midnight hour

Under the cover of blackness


Beneath the full moon’s scattered fingerprints

Drowned out by the rumble of approaching thunder


In the shadows of love’s past

Hidden among the forgotten and lost


Muffled by an echoed plea

Silenced with a concealed drum


Behind the defensive guard

Soldiers regroup and reload



The wall goes up.



Thick ropes are pulled

Iron gates are lowered


Water is emptied from the moat

Replaced with molten lava


Last chariots are escorted across

Bridges are destroyed


Staircases crumble to the ground

Ladders are burned to ashes


Catapults are dismantled

Instruments of flight are demolished



The wall goes up.



Released from the chamber

Now escorted back


Through violent storms

Through raging seas


To the frozen tundra

To the deepest depth below


Far below the obtainable surface

Far beyond the foreseeable future


Stolen and broken it was

Stronger and thicker it has become



The wall goes up.




© 2010 David Greg Harth