Vagina Spy

I am the Vagina Spy

Let me come and spy on you

Let me come and spy on your vagina

Don’t like the word vagina?

Too bad, I’m the Vagina Spy!

And I’ve come here to spy on your vagina!


I am the Vagina Spy

Let me come inside

Let me open up and see

I’ve come to spy on you

Because I am the Vagina Spy


I am the Vagina Spy

Let me whisper secrets to you

Let me do a code red

I’m going to spy on you

With my magnify glass

With my props and tools


I am the Vagina Spy

I’m ready to spy on you

Open your lips and let me see

I see you under those sheets

I see your vagina

Because I am the Vagina Spy


I am the Vagina Spy

Let me introduce myself

I’ll spy on your vagina

Up and down

Around and round

Because I am the Vagina Spy



© 2001 David Greg Harth @ 296 New York City


I Don’t Give A Shit, But You Send It To Me Anyway

