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Vomit (Version #2)

I was riding along

On the downtown number 6 train

Riding along

On the subway

From uptown to downtown

When all of a sudden

A woman

Vomited on the subway floor

People scattered

Away from their seated positions

And left the area

As if it were a crime scene

Or toxic waste dump

The people left the woman

Left the situation

The people escaped the human catastrophe

They left the subway car

To seek refuge on the platform or next car

They left the woman

To her own

I could not understand this

I could not contemplate

Where is the humanity?

I got up

Walked over to the woman

Clearly in discomfort




I walked up to her

Handed her some napkins

Asked her if she was okay

Asked her if she needed help

Asked her if she needed anything

She took my napkins

And thanked me for the care

I do not understand human beings

Why run when someone is in that situation instead of help?



© 2006 David Greg Harth