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Waiting For Love

People tell me I shouldn’t look

That I should wait

That love will come to me


Let me tell you -

For I have waited

My patience is a daily vitamin

And a drug I deliver outwards


I wait all day

For the sunshine to set

Because I know the next day

I will wait no longer


I wake up each day

Thinking a lot

It hurts so much

That I handcuff my thoughts

To pully systems of rust and thorns


That I shoot myself daily

With pains of starving children

And abused and tortured

Souls from heaven


I wait

I do not seek

I wait for its arrival

I calmly sit

By lakes and skyscrapers

Upon breezes and fireflies

And upon decks and concourses


I wait.


I wait for a prophet

Or an angel

I wait for a sign

but never look.


All I can do

Is wait.




© 1998 David Greg Harth