Waiting (Version #2)

I’m waiting,

waiting for you.

Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years.

I’ll wait another decade, even two, even three.


I’ll wait

to dance with you

to kiss you

to hold you

to walk down the street while holding your hand.


I’ll wait

even more

I’ll wait for pigs to fly

I’ll wait for frogs to rain from the sky


I’ll wait forever

For I have waited so long

And a person like you

Only once comes along


I’ll burn the time zones

And I’ll bury the clocks.

I’ll put the sun dials in shade

And the moon on hold.


I’ll unplug the electricity

And crack the bell.

I’ll erase the digits

And destroy the tick tock.


Forever I have waited

Forever I will wait

Wait for you



© 2006 David Greg Harth


Vomit (Version #2)

