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What Must Be Done

Demanded from yesterday

An old oak tree wilts atop the hill

Cold winter came upon us

Set forth this bone chill


Decapitated crow scowls

Thin ice cracks below feet

Dead leaves scatter in the wind

Soulless about to defeat


Distant church bells chime

An echo of sadness sweeps across frozen land

Funeral procession marches

Boat across Styx isn’t even manned


Desolate unknown graves blanket us

Alienated from mother’s womb

Hollow wooden coffins contain us

Vacant heart is sealed in a tomb


Damaged bricks form a facade

Footsteps in mud lead nowhere

Failing to see the door ajar

Plummeting into a spiral of despair


Dangerous falling of fate

Home now; empty of life

Sparse and silent of rhythm

Bled from head to toe with knife


Descent into depths of loneliness

Burned by a beloved’s deception

Nailed by foot, nailed by wrist

Born of immaculate conception


Damned wings are delicate

Ground caught daily tears

Soaked earth flourished

New trees sprout for years



© David Greg Harth
