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When Snow Falls, Clouds Speak

Snow cascades down upon me

Covering my head

Surrounding me toe to knee


In a blanket of white

My wandering mind wonders

Everything seemed so right


The clouds speak to me

Reminders of you

In everything I do and see


I’ll lean way back to kiss the sky

With an arch to heaven

I confess my heart does not lie


My heart says take me

It shouts louder than the cloud’s reach

Stretches further than the vast sea


Beneath these clouds I put my ear

I listen to your untold stories

Your secret whispers are what I hear


Falling frozen crystals bind to me

Each snowflake is encrypted with the same message

They each say you have the key


These speaking clouds gently drift by

I remember the sensational touch of your soft skin

And the delicate twinkle in your eye


Notes fall from the sky for me

Revelations of sweetness and desire

Tales of love and tranquility


In the snowy night I hear your voice

Each passing cloud brings time closer

In the future I know we shall rejoice


This snow around me is waist deep

Collect your dreams at night

Alongside you I wish to sleep


Clouds of yesterday talk to me

Thinking of you each moment I’m alive

Next time I will forever kiss thee


Today and tomorrow, you are missing

From this snowy earth to this cloudy stratosphere

It is you I miss kissing


When the time is right for you and me

Nothing can deny these meeting souls

Everlasting love is what I foresee


So, with a breath of fresh air

Clouds have spoken and snow has fallen

I am your mate and I am your hare


I bid you farewell to you from me

Silently I depart with awakening storms

Know that my heart is yours entirely



© 2011 David Greg Harth