B, 2006 - 10 David Harth B, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Bullet For A Fuck

Took the train to eighteen,

To spread your legs and enter between.


Your husband had a gun to my head,

He said I was about to be dead.


Unfamiliar frontier did not break,

Even with the power of the mighty snake.


Mounted my bull cock,

Squealed to the stare of a pointed Glock.


You kicked, you sucked, you screamed,

You licked, you fucked, you creamed!


© 2008 David Greg Harth

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B, 2006 - 10 David Harth B, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Belief In An Ending

Without her

The skies darken

Louder voices crash upon my understanding

My thumbs tremble

Her laughter echoes in my head



Take the pale captive across the river

Show him what to believe in.


© 2008 David Greg Harth

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B, 2006 - 10 David Harth B, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Back And Forth

We go back and we go forth.

Forth from the back and back from the forth.

Back and forth, Back and forth.

We go back, we go forth.

I’m going back, they are going back.

They go forth, I go forth, they go back, I go back.

Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.


© 2007 David Greg Harth

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B, 2006 - 10 David Harth B, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Breakfast With My Thumbs

I’m not a lover of Corn Pops.

My father ate those when I was growing up.

I love Cocoa Puffs, that’s perhaps my favorite.

Although, they kinda hurt the roof of your mouth – like Cap’n.

Crunch, but I love Cap’n Crunch with Crunch Berries, although,

now they have green and blue berries and it looks disgusting,

but, I think I’d still like it. Yum. Lucky Charms is good too.

I really love good old cheerios. Cocoa Pebbles is awesome too.

Even fruity. Maybe I’ll get some Count Chocula soon.

I haven’t had Frankenberry forever.

I’m a Cinnamon Raisin bagel man, if plain.

If with cream cheese and/or lox, then poppy please!!

I like plain coffee. At times flavored, but never vanilla.

I love all fruit too. Def. have to have my apple a day.

Kiwis are good too – lots of vitamin C!

I’m a HUGE apple cider fan. It’s quite orgasmic.

I can only really drink fresh squeezed OJ.

When OJ is processed, it becomes more acidic for some reason,

same with fresh squeezed OJ that is left over night.

I love potatoes too! And Asparagus!


© 2007 David Greg Harth

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B, 2006 - 10 David Harth B, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Black Chariot

Hollow heart grieves

For the third decade’s third

From the southern mountain top

To the oven’s last howl


She follows him in dreams

He walked the long road

With an unsolved disease

Found scatters of pewter


Empty son of unknown and drunken

Honored endorsed the written

The boxer loses his match

Mouth bleeds verse


Expiration draws moths near

Praying louder over your own rumble

Last dance has been sung

Spread upon leaves of grass


Fruit eaters of the way

Parting devotional waters

Finding sins in promises

Motions conducted the eagerly pleased


Trees roll down cascading autumn crops

Damaged dreamers climb higher

No steps to support loose footing

Your stones crumble into the sea


Men of cloth scold his activities

Molested last night’s politician

Shank bone departed in the chariot

Left the witnesses behind


Head given under the filthy

Behind velvet ropes pain radiates

Spinal fluid tapped out

Spilled protein leaked down to the eleventh floor


Awakened from sleep

Insects crawl out of his rear canal

Sparrows swallow her plea

Cries fetched no aide


Lonely die in drought

Tears reborn the ocean’s cacti

Mother’s scarlet soil grasps

And desperate fire burns him entirely



© 2007 David Greg Harth

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B, 2006 - 10 David Harth B, 2006 - 10 David Harth


After night’s ends

Owls and sparrows

Head held up high

Arms constructed of steel and horror

Whispers in your ears

Beads of sweat develop on the back of your neck

Ocean inviting

Marks on the night

Footprints at dark

It was I who brought you home


© 2007 David Greg Harth

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B, 2006 - 10 David Harth B, 2006 - 10 David Harth


I’m crossing these borders

Bending the self-made rules

Scratching what was said, and my head


Space between you and I

It’s not an answer

Sent to us from Gods, Spirits or Witnesses.


Nothing exists to me

Reality is gone

Physicality never was


No shock to me

That my heart will never be the same

Since I fell in love with your beautiful hue



© 2006 David Greg Harth

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B, 2006 - 10 David Harth B, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Bravery In The Window

Dear Lover,


I hope this note finds you well.

I haven’t heard from you in weeks.

Really heard, really listened.

I haven’t had you close, near.


Have you caught the trade winds in your sails?

Have you realized your unhappiness can be pure bliss?

Have you determined the reality of your senses?

Have you executed any new decisions?


I hope progress is moving in forward directions.

I have been waiting and time is ticking.

Time is only on my side, not yours.

I have been available for years.


The window is now open,

But only for a little while longer.

So be brave,

And seize the opportunity.



© 2006 David Greg Harth

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B, 2006 - 10 David Harth B, 2006 - 10 David Harth


Who belongs to who?

What cult? What religion?

Gather up your belongings.

Hold my hand along the way.

We’ll climb up the mountainside.

We’ll tumble down the street.



© 2006 David Greg Harth

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B, 2006 - 10 David Harth B, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Banana Toothbrush

You might not think

But this is indeed

A love poem.


I’ll be your monkey

And you’ll be my duckling

You’ll have my banana

And I’ll have your quack.


I see your toothbrush

Every day staring at me

I wonder when you’ll use it



Unravel the laughter

Sing songs out loud

Even bananas and toothbrushes

Can be coming around the mountain, when they come.


Call me in the morning

And let our eyes meet once more

Declare you are mine

And I’ll be yours


I welcome you to the Heart of Harth

Please step inside

Find a cozy spot to curl up

And stay a while.


When we do our river walk next

At the end of the night

Let me walk you to your door

And kiss you goodnight.



© 2006 David Greg Harth

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B, 2006 - 10 David Harth B, 2006 - 10 David Harth


Emptiness has filled my heart.

Upon my return,

Fill it with all of you.


Become the keeper of my affection.

Let me witness you,

Dance with yourself.


Meet me at El Gran Café on Avinyó.

We will have pastries,

While we get lost in our own blues.


Hold my hand down midnight streets.

Capture my mind,

You’ll gain my soul.


Feel my soft breath on your nape.

The rotation of earth has not paused,

Only your heart has skipped fourteen beats.


Many more sunrises and sunsets are to be seen.

With you in my arms,

Makes them so much more extraordinary.


Strip off the facades of disbelief.

Say your last goodbyes,

Welcome forever a man of lasting chivalry.


No longer a secret.

Such passion of two

Is beyond infinite divine.


Pull up the battering ram.

Break down my walls of stone and clay,

Make me fall beneath my two feet.


Years without hatched seeds.

You stumbled upon my heart,

Now you’ve taken up residence.


Let us make love beneath a Van Gogh sky.

You are my sanctuary of tranquility,

The only one that can part my seas of reason.


Allow me to enter.

I’ll cascade you with all my love,

Forever I’ll be in your soul.


Open up your atriums.

Discover that I really do have wings,

My whispers will cuddle you to sleep in a Sycamore’s shade.


Pull back the curtains.

See what is in front of you,

Listen and become the woman you truly are.


Get lost with me

Before the bagpipers play their last respect,

And I’m lowered to the donation

Of man’s life long journey of ache.



© 2006 David Greg Harth

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B, 2006 - 10 David Harth B, 2006 - 10 David Harth


I keep thinking it’s you

When I pick up my phone.

No identification

It must be you.

But then I pick up

It’s not you

And it’s not even her.



© 2006 David Greg Harth

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B, 2006 - 10 David Harth B, 2006 - 10 David Harth


I’m going to Bellevue.

I’m headed towards Bellevue.

To be in Bellevue.

And in Bellevue I’ll be.

Because I’ll be in Bellevue.

And Bellevue I’ll be.

It’s in Bellevue

That’s where I’m headed too.

Bellevue is my destination.

To be inside.

The Bellevue nation.


© 2006 David Greg Harth

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B, 2006 - 10 David Harth B, 2006 - 10 David Harth


There she stood

In all of her curiosity

Followed me down to her knee


© 2006 David Greg Harth

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B, 2001 - 05 David Harth B, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Boys Are Toys

Boys are toys,

And toys are boys.

The boy is a toy

And the toy is a boy.

Toy the boy

And be the boy.

Boy the toy

And buy the boy.

Toy to buy

And be the boy.

Toys are Boys

And Boys have toes.

Toy with the Boy,

And buy the toy.

Become the boy

And toy with the boy.

Boy Toys

And toy boy.

Boy my Toy

And Toy my Boy.



© 2005 David Greg Harth

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B, 2001 - 05 David Harth B, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Beneath The Sea

Here I am, existing,

floating a drift,

thirsty for water.


I cannot drink

for this sea is ladened with salt.


The medusas swim freely,

I am unaware of the truth,

but their beauty intoxicates my beliefs.


So, I continue to sail

The high seas of love

With a search of no other


For love

Existing in this world

Of chaotic misery and joyful births


With women of beauty all around

They have all wet my appetite

And I hope to have wet them.


The dance continues

On threatening seas

I rise and I fall

Like the solar stars above

This delectable planet.


The sea is vast

And wide open

It’s power lures me

Swallows me whole.


I permeate through

Fight in the tight

Until love is thrusted upon me

I am nothing but alone


Perhaps it will be

or perhaps She

Is beneath the sea.



© 2005 David Greg Harth

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B, 2001 - 05 David Harth B, 2001 - 05 David Harth

A Bitten Heart

She’s bitten my lip

Touched my spirit

I spoke some truth

Never told a lie

She’s bitten my nose

Captured my mind

Held my senses

For a moment of surprise

Beyond the possession

Intrigued with passion

Exiting without fear

Contemplating the next motion

Choking with love

World spinning with you

Met a blonde with skin unlike olive

A whirlwind with a knock at the door

Denied nothing

Up off the floor

A dream past the wardrobe

Seen you in the past

Heart beating

Yet to determine

With you or for you


© 2004 David Greg Harth

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B, 2001 - 05 David Harth B, 2001 - 05 David Harth


She knocked at my door. It was a quarter to nine O’clock Thursday evening.

I spoke to her earlier in the day, in the late afternoon. She came just on time.

I opened the door, after bolt and bolt. There she was, standing perfectly still.

Dressed in black and pink. Soft pink. Just as requested. She smoked a long cigarette.

Quite ill. I asked her to come on in and she did, with a wag and a tight stroll.

I asked her what kind of music she wanted to listen too. She said she didn’t mind.

I suggested some jazz. Not the contemporary kind, but the older kind.

Her golden hair waved as she tossed it back to the other shoulder in a graceful movement.

She picked up today’s Times from my bare floor and asked for a glass of water,

before I could even offer. I told her to feel at home and have a seat.

I went to the kitchen, scratching, and poured her a glass of water in one of my finest clear glasses.

Came back out, still scratching, and found her on my used couch in a gaze, still.

I reached out and gave her the water and told her how much I appreciated her business.

She thanked me back, and took a sip of her cold water.



© 2004 David Greg Harth

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B, 2001 - 05 David Harth B, 2001 - 05 David Harth


I have to get the bread.

I have to get the bread to make the sandwiches.

How can I make any sandwiches if I don’t have any bread?

I must go get the bread.


I’ll go down town and get the bread.

I need it to make sandwiches.

How can I make sandwiches without bread?


I’ll take the subway down town to the bread shop.

I’ll get some bread for sandwiches.

I can make sandwiches with bread.


I have to get the bread.

I have to get the bread to make the sandwiches.

How can I make any sandwiches if I don’t have any bread?

I must go get the bread.


I’ll go get the bread.

I have to make sandwiches.

I can’t make any sandwiches without bread.


I can make sandwiches with bread.

I’ll go down town and get some bread.

I have to get some bread for sandwiches.


I have to get the bread.

I have to get the bread to make the sandwiches.

How can I make any sandwiches if I don’t have any bread?

I must go get the bread.



© 2004 David Greg Harth

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B, 2001 - 05 David Harth B, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Broken Heart

My heart is broken.





My heart is broken.





My heart is broken.





My heart is broken.





My heart is broken.

Stepped on.

Punched out.

Beaten up.


My heart is broken.





My heart is broken,

and it hasn’t even been opened yet.




© 2004 David Greg Harth

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