The Hardest Part
Seeing her on the gurney being wheeled away
Departing when she was alone most
Nothing I could do
But guide her crying mother back to the waiting area
Said my goodbyes in the prep room
You are never ready for that quick goodbye
Eyes locked, arms embracing, a hug, a kiss
As if the goodbye was good luck
As if the goodbye was more of a “See you later.”
As if the goodbye was a hope, not a last
The static white noise
The constant inconsistent beeps
The helicopters outside the window
The air conditioner breeze drying out eyes
The competing sounds battle for my attention
The bright lights dim but never shut off completely
Everything is so sterile
Everything is so new and clean
Everything is so modern and technically advanced
The competitive claim to extra pillows
The wake up when she wakes up technique
The staff is so friendly when she’s so drowsy or awake
We slept in the same room
So near and yet so far apart
We both had movable devices we slept upon
We both had sheets
We both had scars
She had a call button
I had my confident serenity
No complaints about eating
She finished her apple sauce
I finished her mashed potatoes
Seeing the Eastern moon rise and fall in the night
The skyline of Queens and Brooklyn are my getting lost points
Reflecting in the East river
Williamsburg bridge just South
Queensboro bridge just North
In the distance; Throgs Neck Bridge,
or, was it the Whitestone Bridge?
Definitely not the Triborough Bridge
Days and weeks and months and a year of planning
Of preparation and uncertainty
Of clarification and research
Of medical exams and tests
Lesson learned
You can fall in love with someone even more
The hardest part
Seeing her on the gurney being wheeled away
Departing when she was alone most
And there was nothing I could do
© 2025 David Greg Harth
Oh Fuck
Billy the goat
Revisions and compulsions
No clear directions or asks or wanted needs
Just mysterious disheveled thoughts
Scattered brains
Spewed details
No real reasons
Tight deadlines
And tight lips
Spreading lies
And point of concepts
All the way until conception
Follow inception
Coded and caddled
Last month’s communication
Sacrificial communion
I’m not religious
But fuck this and fuck that
Wild time in and wild time out
Day of work, bleed the day
Tectonic Titantic
Tyrant transmitted
Disregarded forfeited
Salty tears
No god on my plate
Now I’ve met my fate
© 2025 David Greg Harth
Haunted Heart
Times like these are so difficult
Because every time I fall
I fall hard
Granted, each time I fall, I pick myself up
And march along
Because I’m a soldier
© 2015 David Greg Harth
Hannah Has A Story For You
I was standing in line at the DMV
I stood next to a woman named Hannah
She had a story for me
Hannah told me tales of truth and fiction
Even read my palm and told me my fortune
She knew about my morning's benediction
Hannah said I'm an old soul but that I'd die young
Predicted my future so eloquently
She said my nuptial song has yet to be sung
So if you go to the Department of Motor Vehicles
Go find Hannah for your story
Just don't get too close, because she'll grab your testicles!
© 2014 David Greg Harth
Heide Hatry
She was wearing black on 24th street
She was walking east to west and passed me by
The weather was sunshine with a breeze
She caught my eye
It must have been her German strut
I regretted not approaching
Not speaking
I saw her again
When I was having a drink later on with a friend
There she was
And so, I went up to her
I complimented her
And little did I know
That this exquisite beauty
Was cutting up pigs and piglets
And taking them apart
And sewing them back together
Like a German butcher
With a little piggy genocide happening in her basement
It was so sexy hot!
© 2012 David Greg Harth
Hotel de Ville, Room 3272
No corpse
Can be as exquisite as yours
If my memory fails
The trail of your perfume
Still remains and reminds
An evening of no delay
The moment was forever
Our tongues spoke different languages
Our hearts were seized in unison
We surrendered to the storm
Of illegal imagination
I lowered the shades
And the night became ours
© 2011 David Greg Harth
How We Fall
Starts with one taking note
Of the other’s reproduction
Of the other’s seduction
Starts with one taking notice
Of the other’s stride
Of the other’s narcissistic pride
Starts with one taking notation
Of the other’s plump lips
Of the other’s curved hips
Starts with a symphony
An exchange of climactic harmony
Starts with a sail set free in the wind
A tryst where two have truly sinned
Continues with a gaze at beautiful eyes
A trace of fingers on soft thighs
Continues with midnight calls
Until finally heaven’s rain falls
It’s how we fall
Like a river running wild
Like a mother bearing child
It’s how we fall
Like an exploding volcanic eruption
Like a heart free of corruption
It’s how we fall
When your soul becomes my soul
And my soul becomes your soul
We have fallen
© 2010 David Greg Harth
Happiness (Happiness on the Avenue)
I didn’t know happiness
Until the day I met you
In fact, it wasn’t the day I met you
But perhaps the 2nd day I met you
We were walking up the Avenue
I glanced over at you
And that smile of yours
Smiling and laughing at something I said
That’s when I discovered happiness
Everything before that, that wasn’t happiness
You -
You are happiness
© 2010 David Greg Harth
Hard (Version #2)
It’s so incredible hard to go on -
To live every day and not be in love.
I ache constantly for you.
It’s one thing I’ve always wanted
All of my friends know it, my family too
Even my nephew recently asked me,
“Did you meet any new girls? So, you don’t have any new girlfriends?”
I have none.
No one is in my heart.
No one has captured it.
No one has claimed ownership.
Where are you?
I plead for you to come forth.
End my misery of terrible ache.
My drowning sorrows.
This bad day dream.
Let me love you,
Like you love me.
© 2009 David Greg Harth
Hole In The Middle
I have it inside deep
Right next door, safe I keep
Your eggs, Your bread, Your cheese
Our yearning for each other is the greatest disease
Let tenderness engulf this cape
As I kiss the back of your nape
Before you were hollow
Tears of joy we unite to swallow
I witness your internal fire by a glance
Taking two close hearts to orchestrate this dance
You have left me bedside
One day, I shall fill you inside
With my tongue I trace your hips
For your sweetness a bouquet of tulips
Luscious scents infuse my mind
Penetrating me as I think of your behind
Set aside the cows and cupcakes
Let me devour your hotcakes
Immensely, you stimulate me
Years before, now by this roused sea
In my sight, your heavenly sculpture
It’s true, my volcano is ready to rupture
A kiss awaits your arrival
At the door of our very own survival
Not on a pedestal you exist
In life, somethings we cannot regret to resist
© 2009 David Greg Harth
Diseases are attracted to me
Descended from the dead sea
Errors multiply their answer
Points leading to cancer
Broken bones become one
Common bells ring done
Consequences form an alliance
Institute a living man’s defiance
Thankfulness exists during apology season
Truthful commitment to love’s treason
Empty cavity thrown
Sacred emotions sewn
Widows of paradise pray
Single most cast away
Barricade the long loss
Went to trial, went to cross
Bisected, Divided
Confided, Suicided
I am half,
Never complete
© 2009 David Greg Harth
Heart On Fire
I fall to the earth in a pile of ash
Rivers wash away my unspeakable sins
Bathed in ancestry
Collected by competing skies
Her gown unravels before me
Torn from her knee to her thigh
Thick ivory skin exposed
Liar accused
Functioning on my stimulus
Automatically I respond
Realities forgiven
I secrete, I stimulate
Poison has made us frozen
Steps no longer leave footprints
Tongue twisted in sentences of hunger
Eyes are blind to fidelity
Worn down the flames
Mask my long
Damper my ache
Close my barrier
Opportunity apologizes
Desert becomes memory
She was forged
Shadows no longer speak
Valediction claimed
© 2008 David Greg Harth
© 2008 David Greg Harth
Crying tears
Easily dispensed
Love is dispersed
Uneasy, unset
Hollowed hearts
Cold dark eyes stare
Suited men purchase your emptiness
Taste is your treasured enemy
Inflamed disease
Lips infected
Collections ruptured by way of rejection
Punctured by the hatred of blue chip patrons
Maiden years denied
Two ceremonial decades total
At the end of the day,
I’m hidden in the dirt.
© 2008 David Greg Harth
Heavy Heart
I’ve got a heavy heart.
Its weighted down so heavy.
Heavier than a gallon of milk.
And heavier than a bucket of apples.
Heavier than a bundle of potatoes.
And a bushel of hay.
Heavier than a stack of stones.
And a layer of bricks.
Heavier than an anvil.
And a metric ton.
Heavier than an elephant.
And heavier than an eighteen wheeler.
Heavier than a city aquarium.
And heavier than the Empire State Building.
Heavier than all the trees in the great red woods of Northern California.
And heavier than all the boulders that hold up Mt. Fuji.
Heavier than the planet in which we live on.
And heavier than our galaxy.
My heart is so heavy.
Because its weight carries so much love for you.
© 2006 David Greg Harth
Head First
I knew nothing then of what I knew today
She had bright red hair
Above her head and below.
Freckles covered her body
In between her pasty white skin poked out,
Said hello.
I was innocent then.
Not even a lover.
We just swallowed each other’s kisses.
An hour before she rode me dry in my car.
Fogged autumn windows
Tail lights were out.
In the wood paneled basement, we sat
Lying on the leather couch she began
Slowly inching downwards
Unbuckled, unbuttoned, pulled
She encompassed me with her lips
Whole in its entirety
The feeling reminded me
All the previous times of self-pleasure
Growing up so unexperienced
Sliding, gliding with her tongue
Such intensity
I could not believe what I saw before me.
Her red hair is all I see
What I feel is wet
Explosive in my teen sensations
Her parents walked upstairs
Back and forth, back and forth
On the linoleum kitchen floor
I feared they would come down
To discover their innocent daughter
Mouth wrapped around me
Before they took steps downward
I drowned her throat
With my first vocal cavity emergence.
© 2005 David Greg Harth
How Many Times
Do I masturbate,
before I fall in love
with my non-existent
lover which completes my life?
Do I masturbate,
to the fantasy
of falling deeply in love
with that single one other person?
Do I masturbate,
while listening to the music which saddens me
because of the eternal lack
of a significant other?
Do I masturbate,
to the playboys plastered in my mind
while contemplating my age
before I’ll meet the lover of my dreams?
Do I masturbate,
myself to sleep,
with my hand on my heart?
© 2005 David Gerg Harth
Hot Warm Gooey Eggs In Brown
Hot Warm Gooey Eggs In Brown,
I adore you.
Hot Warm Gooey Eggs In Brown,
I want to make love to you.
Hot Warm Gooey Eggs In Brown,
Trap me in the corner.
Hot Warm Gooey Eggs In Brown,
Push me to the face.
Hot Warm Gooey Eggs In Brown,
Take off your skin.
Hot Warm Gooey Eggs In Brown,
Bring me to a boil.
Hot Warm Gooey Eggs In Brown,
Sing me a song.
Hot Warm Gooey Eggs In Brown,
Wake up to your breakfast.
Hot Warm Gooey Eggs In Brown,
Discover your breaks.
Hot Warm Gooey Eggs In Brown,
Leave you on the floor.
Hot Warm Gooey Eggs In Brown,
Summer is gone.
Hot Warm Gooey Eggs In Brown,
Open up the fridge door.
© 2004 David Greg Harth
Held to Words
She held me to my words,
she held me to the false promises
the false truths
the false love.
She held me in her arms
as I said my last words
upon my death bed
bleeding inside
from never being loved
on this jobless day.
© 2004 David Greg Harth
Hallelujah (Version #2)
My voice can be heard
It is not just another day
from yesterday
My voice can be heard
In these mountains.
© 2002 David Greg Harth