2021 - 25, L David Harth 2021 - 25, L David Harth

The Last 20 Minutes

The last 20 minutes is always the toughest and easiest



When you get down to 20 you split the time into 10, or, 4 blocks of 5.

Soon you’ll get down to 18.

You’ll think of blocks of 9, but really you are hoping to get to 15 as quickly as possible.

When you get down to 15 minutes you think of 3 blocks of 5 but really you dream of 12 minutes.

When you get down to 12 minutes you think about how the hour or hour and half before that seemed to maybe go quickly.

And then you think of 2 blocks of 6 and you think about how close you are to the 10 minute marker.

When you arrive at 10 minutes you know the end is near and wait for 8 minutes.

When 8 comes you think of 2 blocks of 4 or 4 blocks of 2.

At 6 minutes you think of 3 and 3.

When you get to 5, you once again feel that this was pretty easy once again.

4 minutes is one of the magic numbers.

Just 2 blocks of 2.

3 you don’t think about and when you get to 2 minutes you know it may suddenly change to 3 minutes because of the clearing of the chamber.

2 minutes.

Finally at 1 minute you guess how many times you’ll need to draw and return until you’re all done.

You’re all done.

People live.

© 2025 David Greg Harth

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L, 2021 - 25 David Harth L, 2021 - 25 David Harth

Lords Valley, Dingmans Ferry





75 miles per hour

Hitting the gas

Looking in the rear view mirror

Side view

Objects in mirror are closer than they appear

Running like an outlaw

Like a gang leader from yesterday

Robbing stagecoaches 

Hands up at the bank

Locomotive halted

She spun around

Like a spider mother in her web

Creep down the staircase to the basement

Nothing but the faceless and forgotten

Skin so intricately removed

Forgot the prints

And had a driving pint

Draw the curtains

Pick up the mail

Close the refrigerator door

Plow the driveway

I kept my foot on the pedal

No looking back

Speed set steady

Remembering shady lane yesterday


Excavated up at the range

Quarter past eight

Officer knocked at the door

I once was a murderer

Now I’m clean of my sins

Admitted in writing

Innocent like a naked boy frolicking on the hillside

Exit here, make a left turn

© 2024 David Greg Harth

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L, 2021 - 25 David Harth L, 2021 - 25 David Harth

List of 10: Concerts I’ve been too

1. U2

2. The Who

3. The Rolling Stones

4. Nine Inch Nails

5. Bruce Springsteen

6. David Bowie

7. James

8. Leonard Cohen

9. Pete Seeger

10. Madonna


Note: Concerts are listed in random order, not chronologically.


© 2022 David Greg Harth

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L, 2016 - 20 David Harth L, 2016 - 20 David Harth

Love’s Executioner

The empathetic one with oar

Was silent with purpose

In destiny I crossed the river

With an obol in my mouth

To join my mélange of lovers

Winnow down the truths

For there was an eternal one

That my heart belonged too

She made me evaporate my lies

And surrender my soul

She was the nectar of my strength

And my last destination

In death’s paradise

I love, love, love.

© 2016 David Greg Harth

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L, 2016 - 20 David Harth L, 2016 - 20 David Harth

List of 10: Quotes about my cock

1. “…please don't take this the wrong way but your cock is sooo big it's painful sometimes!! seriously i feel like i was fucked by a sledgehammer!”

2. “Your cock is massive...i couldn't even get my entire hand around it...kindda intimidating/amazing”

3. “Did I mention that DGH has a beautiful penis?  And a beautiful heart?  Tough combo to find!!”

4. “…really is a donkey cock ... HUUUGGGGEEEEEE!!!!!!!!”

5. “I was thinking about how large and in charge your cock is”

6. “dear god what is that ginormous thing”

7. “I’m already totally distracted thinking about your gorgeous cock.”

8. “I’m working from home because the craving in my loins that I have for you has made it difficult to stand up straight.”

9. “I seriously never ever saw such a big one!!!!”

10. “You are an amazing tonic! Smile on my face all day. Can hardly wait for you to put me in line again!! I guess I'll have to be extra naughty from now on. XOXO (Your dirty naughty rebellious little slut who cannot get enough of your magical cock)”

© 2016 David Greg Harth

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L, 2011 - 15 David Harth L, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Lift Your Bacon

Pull aside your lips

Release the bacon

For I am the pig

Who eats his own self


Pull aside your lips

Part your hips

For I am the pig

Who eats his own self


I’m the cannibal

At the foot of your bed

I drool at your toes

And hope for your leftovers


Pull aside your sheets

Allow me to enter

I’m going to eat you

And I am the pig



© 2013 David Greg Harth

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L, 2011 - 15 David Harth L, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Lover of Lies

It was a battle of he said she said

Things were thrown across the room

Including her bloody rag

Glass broken

At our feet


We were young

Didn’t know any better

Blind to the truth and reality

Immature kids causing scars to our hearts


She loved to tell stories

She would exaggerate

And lie through her teeth

The best lie she ever told

Was that she loved me



© 2012 David Greg Harth

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L, 2011 - 15 David Harth L, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Lost at Sea

No exit

Or escape route

No out reached hand

Or phone call

No voice to hear

Or friendly eyes

No bird’s song

Or water to drink

No tip toeing children

Or animals to hold

No parachute

Or banking hours

No love had

Or will


The darkest days have arrived

The last sunset given

It is the stars that become dust

In the very land

In which we bury our dead


No way out

Or tunnel light

No shelter given

Or photographs taken

No easy transportation

Or lock and key

No article written

Or west side exhibition

No way to hide

Or loss of weight

No sight gains

Or remaining love

No memory served

Or reason


The darkest days have arrived

The last sunset given

It is the stars that become dust

In the very land

In which we bury our dead


It is at sea

Where we become lost

And it is at the bottom of the sea

Where I am most



© 2012 David Greg Harth

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L, 2011 - 15 David Harth L, 2011 - 15 David Harth

The Lonely Corpse

The lonely corpse sits on the sidewalk

Half distant and half personal

The corpse was once so full of life

He was a sparkled gem to some

An artist to others

To some, he was “David”

To others, he was “Harth”

Right now, he is an investigation

Surrounded by yellow tape

Blue and white cars

And numerous gawking pedestrians

Strangers taking mobile phone photographs

To be distributed through the internets

To numerous other strangers

It went so quickly

So far down

That last end

But now at least he’s not alone

Now he is famous

In printed media and tomorrow’s daily news

Online reports and tourist’s digital media cards

He is history now

A memory to some

An enemy to others

A once lover to some

And now he is just a corpse

A corpse on a sidewalk


© 2012 David Greg Harth

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L, 2011 - 15 David Harth L, 2011 - 15 David Harth

List of 10: Films that make me cry and think of you

1. The Last of the Mohicans

2. Legends of the Fall

3. Braveheart

4. Gladiator

5. Shakespeare In Love

6. The Notebook

7. The Last Samurai

8. The Princess Bride

9. Blood Diamond

10. Lost in Translation


Note: Films are listed in random order.


© 2012 David Greg Harth

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L, 2011 - 15 David Harth L, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Lights On In The Distance

Crawling out of the accident

Trying to make my way

I need some help

Some assistance

Without it, I think I’ll die


There is nothing around me

My car rolled down the hill

Tossed a few times

Into the river’s edge

I’m lucky to be alive




And fish spawning in the river

Rocks beneath me

Pebbles in my shoes

And leaves falling from the trees


A recent rain had passed

I’m crawling

I need help

Darkness is caving in

Coming in quickly

Soon will be night

And I’ll be out of day


I’m searching

For help

For some kind of lend

A hand

Some hope

I’m crawling to find my hero

Someone to rescue

Someone to heal


I’m crawling out of the accident

Up the steep hill

Away from this cold river

Away from the fish

And the rocks

Pebbles in my shoes


I’m cut

I’m bruised

I’m constricted

I’m tight

I’m light-headed

I’m dreaming

I’m parched

My tongue and lips are so dry


I’m crawling

I’m crawling out of the accident

I see a light on in the distance



© 2011 David Greg Harth

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L, 2011 - 15 David Harth L, 2011 - 15 David Harth

Leaving, Entering

One leaves

One enters

Like a revolving door

and escalators that go up and down

Like the life cycle of birth and death

and metamorphosis of caterpillar to butterfly


One leaves

One enters

Like changing seasons

and changing diapers

Changing clothes

and changing flights


One leaves

One enters

Like bubbles bursting

and snowflakes melting

Like bruises healing

and baby teeth falling out


One leaves

One enters

Like shooting stars entering the atmosphere

and day changing to night

Like the ocean’s high and low tide

and diamonds discovered among non-worthy gems



When one leaves

Another one enters

When one enters

The other has left

This is the cycle

The constant cycle of

Leaving and entering


© 2011 David Greg Harth

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L, 2011 - 15 David Harth L, 2011 - 15 David Harth


My heart is guarded by a labyrinth

of spirals of razor barbed wire

Moats filled with electric eels and serpents

Iron plated stonewalls one hundred feet high

Barricades made of previous heart slayer’s skeletons


My heart is guarded by a labyrinth

of poisonous snakes and molten lava pits

Defensive positions by undertakers

Burning ambers and cliffs of fire

Towering embankments of victims past


My heart is guarded by a labyrinth

of sharp stalagmites and stalactites

Ruthless scavengers of the plains

Barriers of vast parched desert

Horrid echoing screams from the tortured


My heart is guarded by a labyrinth

of armed battalion volunteers

Ballistas and mangonels abreast

Columns of aimed artillery

Thousands of murder holes


My heart is guarded by a labyrinth

of nothing that can’t be conquered

Decimated and dismantled

Destroyed and disassembled


My heart

has been seized by you



© 2011 David Greg Harth

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L, 2011 - 15 David Harth L, 2011 - 15 David Harth

List of 10: Women I was in love with

1. Mary

2. Jude

3. Abigail

4. Tiffany

5. Joyce

6. Hillary

7. Nicole

8. Veronica

9. Gina

10. Deborah


Note: Names have been changed to protect the identity of those mentioned


© 2011 David Greg Harth

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L, 2011 - 15 David Harth L, 2011 - 15 David Harth

The Last Voice

I put the last call in

No one answered


Penned and written

The ink well is dry


Envelope is sealed

Hidden and delivered


Hope is forgotten

Love is all I wanted



You called me

You told me not to die

You were the last voice I heard




© 2011 David Greg Harth

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L, 2011 - 15 David Harth L, 2011 - 15 David Harth


I like your status

I like your photo

I like your link

and I like your video


I like your joke

I like your post

I like your friend

and I like your quote


I like your emoticon

I like your letters

I like your punctuation

and I like your sentences


I like your favorites

I like your list

I like your pages

and I like your likes


I like your cities

I like your countries

I like your travel

and I like your time


I like your updates

I like your comments

I like your persuasion

and I like your responses


I like your contribution

I like your talk

I like your discussion

and I like your vulnerability


I like your portrait

I like your gaze

I like your eyes

and I like you



© 2011 David Greg Harth


Read More
L, 2011 - 15 David Harth L, 2011 - 15 David Harth


Nobody told me that I would lose my pacifier

and nobody told me that I would lose my toy car


I lost my place in line and lost my seat

I lost my papers and lost my ticket


Nobody told me that I would lose my religion

and nobody told me that I would lose my luggage


I lost my way home and lost my puzzle piece

I lost my voice and lost my mix tape


Nobody told me that I would lose my virginity

and nobody told me that I would lose my job


I lost my dog and I lost my cat

I lost my grandmother and I lost my grandfather


Nobody told me that I would lose my apartment

and nobody told me I would lose my gift


I lost my check and lost my fluid

I lost my socks and lost my way


Nobody told me that I would lose my spot reading

and nobody told that I would lose my line drawing


I lost my father and I lost my direction

I lost my thread and lost my cookies


Nobody told me that I would lose my balance

and nobody told me that I would lose my self


I lost my fear and lost my security

I lost my pride and lost my glue


Nobody told me that I would lose my memory

and nobody told me that I would lose my dream


I lost my competition and lost my judgment

I lost my entry and lost my degree


Nobody told me that I would lose my fight

and nobody told me that I would lose my teeth


I lost my invitation and lost my sensation

I lost my position and lost my inspiration


Nobody told me that I would lose my eyesight

and nobody told me that I would lose my hearing


I lost my hope and lost my tears

I lost my drive and lost my time



Nobody told me that I would lose you

and when I lost you,

I lost my heart.




© 2011 David Greg Harth

Read More
L, 2006 - 10 David Harth L, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Lost In On And On

Soldiers marching forward

Across the battlefield

A monopoly of mines plague these hills

Shoes soaked from a yearlong sweat

Still, we march on

Dark clouds roll in

A thunder cracks and divides sky from ground

The rumble of drums shamble in the distance

Without warning

I’ve become a martyr without asking


I carry on


© 2010 David Greg Harth

Read More
L, 2006 - 10 David Harth L, 2006 - 10 David Harth

Lost You

It’s been several years since we last spoke.

I remember that night vividly.

A phone call earlier, a knock at the door later.

I remember losing you.

I remember each day,

what life is like without you in it.

You are long gone, with an earlier departure.


At times I feel like I can’t function.

Sometimes I have a hard time breathing.

Often things that came naturally to me,

no longer do.

I find it hard to focus and concentrate.

I miss you so much.

I don’t know what to say.

But when I hear your voice,

in my head,

I can’t help but cry myself to sleep,


without you.



© 2010 David Greg Harth

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