L, 2001 - 05 David Harth L, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Left In The Dark

You left me.

Without saying a word,

you left.


After the evening,

the shared passion,

the lust.


You walked up and left me.

Now I lie here,



with open hands,

left in the dark.



© 2003 David Greg Harth

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L, 2001 - 05 David Harth L, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Love, Again

I’m in love again.

I admit it.

I’ve fallen once more.

Head over heels.

I’m in cloud nine.

I’m high above.


Sunshine is all around.


Fate brought us together.

Love is all around.

I’m in love.

Love, again.



© 2003 David Greg Harth

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L, 2001 - 05 David Harth L, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Let’s Go MTA


Let’s go on the MTA

Manhattan bound

Travel uptown and downtown


Let’s wave at the children on the sidewalks

Let’s play in our own minds

Never pressing that yellow tape

That signal for a noise

A stop

Not us



Let’s go on the MTA

Manhattan bound

Travel uptown and downtown


Let’s smile as the passengers smile with us

Let’s not get off until the last stop

Never looking away

At the eyes of ourselves


And I



Let’s go on the MTA

Manhattan bound

Travel uptown and downtown


It’s in my mind

You introduced me

From the jukebox heros

And from Queens and Brooklyn

A stop in The Bronx

It’s time, darling

Let’s get on the bus,

And kiss...



© 2003 David Greg Harth

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L, 2001 - 05 David Harth L, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Love (Play)


























no more


© 2003 David Greg Harth

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L, 2001 - 05 David Harth L, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Love (Version #15)

You told me to wait.

You told me not to look.

You told me it did not exist.

I always believe it did.

And today, I discovered it does!

And you can’t have any.

It’s right here.

I cradle it in my hands.

I cradle love in my hands.




© 2002 David Greg Harth 296 New York City

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L, 2001 - 05 David Harth L, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Love (Version #13)

It’s 9 O’clock in the morning

I just poured the tea

From my corner kitchen view

I see you rising from the bed of white


My heart beats loudly today

I know I’m in love

I’ve never felt anything quite like this before

Nothing so powerful, so overwhelming, so unique, so strong


I have warm chills throughout my body

Making me thirst to be with you constantly

And hungry for the surface of your skin

Inspired by your thoughts and kindness


The world is good to me today

Bright, happy, dandy, jolly

Because I am with you now

And you make my world a much better place to live in


Without you I live under a dark cloud

With you I am together and true and filled with smiles

I paint black self-portraits when you are not around

I rediscover who I am and learn about life when I am with you


You make me want to be a better person

Never knew I believed in Love, but your existence proved it to me

The feeling is so extraordinary

Unbelievable, beyond my human comprehension


You are the angel I have always dreamed about

Beautiful and intelligent

You are beyond the greatest fantasy

True in every way


You are the meaning to the lyrics of all my favorite songs

Sexy and challenging

You are a gift I will cherish for eternity

Real in my previously unreal world


Thank you for loving me

Thank you for everything

I love you




© 2002 David Greg Harth

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L, 2001 - 05 David Harth L, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Lover Boy

I must have been about 11 years old.

Not really sure.

I was with my family in Wild Wood NJ.

We stayed at the same hotel each time we went.

We were more south than the popular area of Wild Wood.

I guess, we were more in Wild Wood Crest.

It was quiet, calm; more peaceful.


We stayed at the Crusader Inn.

I remember an armored knight being in the lobby.

And of course, a gift shop, with the same stuff that all gift shops had.

The 2nd floor was the best, because that was pool level.

It might have also had the arcade.

I wasn’t big on games, but it provided mild entertainment.

Although, I don’t think I ever went?

Sometimes we would get a suite facing the street.

Other times we would be beach front.

We would always get a room with two rooms, one for the parents, one for the kids.

And with a kitchenette too.


Even at a young age, some can define me as a “Lover Boy”

In nursery school I had a school-bus-yellow T-shirt, with a glittery iron-on patch that said “Lover Boy”

I still have that shirt someplace (although it doesn’t fit)


Anyway -

I remember loving the sunset.

I’ve even talked about it in previous poems.

And in fact, talked about this same moment that I will begin talking about once again.

It was early evening, sunset.

My sister, who is older than myself, was involved with someone.

There was this one song that reminded my sister of her boyfriend.

This influenced me.

I adapted this song for myself.

For my own reminder.

Only, I didn’t have a significant other.


However, this one moment, this is a moment that sticks with me forever.

The song, the sunset, remember hearing the song over the loud speaker at the pool.

The lights lit up the pool in the early darkness.

I could feel a slight warm salty breeze against my skin.

The sunset was beautiful with oranges and pinks and violet.

This was the moment.

The moment that lasts forever.

Which made me realize.

That my lover is out there.

And, I’ll spend eternity searching for the right person.

Who may be in India or England, or even Argentina or the United States.



© 2002 David Greg Harth

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L, 2001 - 05 David Harth L, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Love (Version #12)

I’ve never seen it

I’ve never known it

But I know you are in it

And I know you believe in it


You and yours,

Give me hope

That one day,

Perhaps I’ll be in Love



© 2002 David Greg Harth

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L, 2001 - 05 David Harth L, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Lust de Bator

Met you at Graceland

I want to watch you play

Rub yourself away into heaven

Forget about today’s smoke

Watch you in the night

Look you under the covers

You are the great one

Masturbating away

Lust all around

Met you the other day

Can’t shake off this sugar

Sweet touch will make you cum

Haven’t realized the needs

Let it out and touch you

Reach you high with an invitation

Speaking in words of ten

Thinking in circles


I want to watch you play

Listen to your sounds

See your body movement

Up and down around town

Elevated above the air

High above today’s sheet

Sinking down in the softness

Your own hard penetration

Your fingers deep inside

Let me see you

I want to see you

This smoke will clear away

Elvis is back



© 2001 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC

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L, 2001 - 05 David Harth L, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Lush, Bizarre Musings, and Brain Spillage

Damn, you are diligent about transportation safety ... I’ve gotta take some

tips from you !  I just retain this stuff because my mother raised me with

the belief that death was just around the corner in the form of an accident,

a germ, a pervert ... everywhere you looked in my childhood the grim reaper

was flapping his leathery wings.  Actually, the hoof-and-mouth drama in

Britain offered bittersweet nostalgia for me and my siblings ...  sweet

because it brought back remembrances of Mom warning us that we’d get it if

our lips touched the spout on a water fountain ... bitter because I

discovered her abject lie that humans can’t get it !  First Santa Claus,

then hoof-and-mouth ... where does the deception end ?


© 2001 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC

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L, 2001 - 05 David Harth L, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Little Bird & Big Bear

And the Little Bird said “No, don’t do it!”


But the Big Bear said “I have to do it, the pain is too much, I’m in too much pain.”


The Little Bird continued with “No, don’t. The Owl loves you. All of our friends love you. The Deer, The Squirrel, even the Bat loves you.”


But the Big Bear only insisted, “I must do it; I have to, the pain is too much.”


In a convincing voice, the Little Bird tries desperately to talk to the Big Bear, “But Big Bear, surely there must be another way to rid yourself of such horrible pain? Why not talk to me, talk to your friend the Owl, he is so wise. Talk to your friend the Woodchuck or the Woodpecker. Let us help you solve your pain, won’t you?”


The Big Bear only became furious and argumentative, “I am in so much pain. You cannot perceive the amount of pain I am in. The pain is horrifying, tormenting, and extremely difficult to comprehend!”


But Little Bird, continued with a calm voice, “Big Bear, you must trust me, you must remain calm; we will work together and get you out of this pain.”


Now Big Bear is even more angry, with a ferocious roar, “I will eat you alive Little Bird, I will eat you alive! You just flutter on by with flying wings. Free to go there and free to go here. Your friends can try all they want, even the Elk or the mighty Mountain Lion. I will not budge; I will not change. I have to rid myself of this pain, and I have to do it today!”


Little Bird stunned that his lifetime friend is violently twisting in his position and is so argumentative. He doesn’t know what to do. Little Bird is stunned and surprised. He flies to all the other animals. The Owl, The Squirrel, The Deer, The Bat, The Woodchuck, The Woodpecker, The Elk, and even the Mountain Lion! He flies to them for help. Little Bird gathers all the animals around the Big Bear, in hopes to convince him that his pain will recede. As they gather around, they hear a loud bang. A huge bang! An amazing BANG! The Big Bear drops to his side. To the ground of the forest. The dirty leaves. No longer in pain. The Big Bear is dead, and the hunters take him away.



© 2001 David Greg Harth

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L, 2001 - 05 David Harth L, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Lifted (Version #2)

She danced with me

She lifted me

Filled me with spirits

She made me see god

She made me feel god


She lifted me

High above the ocean

Across plains

And Holy seas


Above the ground

The dirt

And the stock

Above the flowerbeds

The grains

And the steam ships


She lifted me


To points untaken





She lifted me

To visit with god

She surrounded me

With sunlight

And cathedral walls


She lifted me

Took me down on my knees

She lifted me

And pulled me back up to my place


Took me across the rivers

Under Country palaces and rolling walls

Under African skies and Buffalo roams

Under Hebrew sukkots and Japanese Temples


She lifted me

High above the earth

And never let me down

Never let me go


I am here

Right next to god

And I’ve got you over my knee.




© 2001 David Greg Harth NYC

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L, 2001 - 05 David Harth L, 2001 - 05 David Harth


She danced with me

She lifted me

Filled me with spirits

She made me see god

She made me feel god


She lifted me

High above the ocean

Across plains

And Holy seas


Above the ground

The dirt

And the stock

Above the flowerbeds

The grains

And the steam ships


She lifted me


To points untaken





She lifted me

To visit with god

She surrounded me

With sunlight

And cathedral walls


She lifted me

Took me down on my knees

She lifted me

And pulled me back up to my place


Took me across the rivers

Under Country palaces and rolling walls

Under African skies and Buffalo roams

Under Hebrew sukkots and Japanese Temples


She lifted me

High above the earth

And never let me down

Never let me go



© 2001 David Greg Harth NYC

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L, 2001 - 05 David Harth L, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Love Will Tear Us Apart

Love will tear us apart.

Because I’m built that way.

Because of the walls that are built around

The moats, the chains, the bounding mortar

This brick, that stone, the coldness of my dead heart.


Love will tear us apart.

I hardly even know you

You don’t even know me

My words are repeated

I can duplicate my own poetry

I can listen to words that musicians sing


Love will tear us apart.

You don’t read my art

You don’t see my art.

You haven’t looked under my bed lately?

To see the dark portraits?

The mirror no longer reflects

Every day I puncture myself

With the taste of tears

And the taste of my pain

Of the dying on Park Terrace West

And the love in Arlington Graves


But you think I’d make a good C.E.O.

But you don’t think I’d be a beat

Or be the next, but I’ve met Rauschenberg

And I’ve met Glenn and I’ve met Ali


Love will tear us apart.

Because I don’t own you

And you’d only kill me if you were with me every day

Or you’d kill my only child

Son and daughter

Or yourself

Upon your lovely death bed

But I’ll hold your hand

Until you die

Or until we part.




© 2001 David Greg Harth


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L, 2001 - 05 David Harth L, 2001 - 05 David Harth


Sitting there

Right across the pathway that these tables create

Innocent or dangerous, I don’t know


Your legs crossed

Hiding or inviting

I don’t know


Sensual, yes

Sexy, yes

Mighty, yes



Because you walked away

Allowed the family of three to sit down

And consume their evening dinner


© 2001 David Greg Harth

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L, 2001 - 05 David Harth L, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Love (Version #10)

You shaved my eyebrows

And you shaved the hair under my arms


You put a razor to my chin and shaved my stubble off

Not a hair grows on my face or behind my ears


You shaved the dirty blonde hair on top of my head

And down the back of my neck so it’s now smooth


You shaved the hair that surrounds my nipples

And the hair on my chest down to my navel


You shaved the hair that leads from my navel

Down between my legs in between my thighs


You shaved the hair on my testicles and around my penis

Around the shaft and around the sack


You shaved all my hair on both of my legs

From bony ankles to hairy thighs


You shaved the hair on my back and on my buttocks

And the hair above my upper lip


You shaved me completely

And now I am smooth, hairless, free,

And that is why I love you.




© 2001 David Greg Harth

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L, 2001 - 05 David Harth L, 2001 - 05 David Harth

Love (Version #09)

The bed is cold

The sheets still have your scent

I’ve been hunting under the covers

Searching for you


I’ve been eating cake for days

The sprinkles add the final touch

Perfect and yummy

Delicious to my taste buds


The air is cold

But the heart is warm

My blue eyes are opening

Ive never let someone in so far


Cupid must have pricked my tushie

Must have flown on by

Because now all I see is pinks and reds

On this day




© 2001 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC

Valentine’s Day : (BAM!)

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