The Last Hour
His clock strikes one last hour
Holding his warm hand
I cry like I’ve never cried before
He doesn’t hear me
He doesn’t see me
No vital support
No vibrant life
His last hour has arrived
© 2009 David Greg Harth
List of 10: Cities I’ve Visited
1. Berlin
2. Tokyo
3. Rome
4. Beirut
5. Istanbul
6. Basel
7. Ramallah
8. Madrid
9. Athens
10. London
Note: Cities are listed in random order, not chronologically.
© 2009 David Greg Harth
Lost Without
Lonesome journey remains
Ache circulated through my veins
Diving off the cliff of the unknown
Body limp in a pile of bone
Let your will be left to the wind
In this holy land I have sinned
Freedom sent to the local crusade
I dropped to my knees and prayed
Search for you makes me fatigued
What you bring keeps me intrigued
Shouting from the mosque at night fall
Slip away and plunge from the wall
Alone with no direction
I plead to you for a little affection
Guide me to a brighter light
Save me from my death tonight
Years pass in time, dying slowly without
Give me rope, rescue me from this drought
Looking and waiting, I beg for you to come forth
Hidden, I am lost without my North
List of 10: Women I had sex with
1. Kate
2. Bonnie
3. Jocelyn
4. Luciana
5. Mindy
6. Ruth
7. Nancy
8. Hannah
9. Charlotte
10. Eve
Note: Names have been changed to protect the identity of those mentioned
© 2009 David Greg Harth
Last Call
At my dying end
My last minute
My breath exhaling one last time
At this moment
Before earth takes me whole
Before sunlight cast’s my lonely shadow
Before my whispers are memories
It is you I wish to have hovering above me
To shed your tears onto mine
It is your voice I wish to hear
Sing our celebrated song
It is your touch I wish to feel
Hold my hand until I go
At this moment of last departure
Remember my love for you
For nothing else is left
No gigantic hug, no lover’s embrace
No poetic verse, no picture plane
This is my call
My very last one
Hear it now, and hear it loud
© 2009 David Greg Harth
Last Night (Version #2)
Last night
You saddened my heart
Put me in an abyss of despair
Last night
You ripped my already torn heart
It is your defense, your guard
Last night
You stabbed my lifeline
Injured, I dream of my cause
Last night
You scratched and scraped my heart
Chalked outline covers the road
Last night
You scarred my heart forever
I dwindle into yesterday’s memory
Last night
You disabled my heart
I became a forgotten decade past
Last night
You ignored my fondness
I become of no concern, only a historical moment
Last night
You bruised my heart
Beaten, I am down, I am lost
Last night
You lowered me endlessly
A long twisting torture implemented
Last night
You slaughtered my heart
Now I vanish into the blanket
Last night
You disregarded me completely
Tomorrow’s departure approaches
Last night
You did not listen to yours, you did not accept
Today, I apologize for being love’s disruption
© 2009 David Greg Harth
Lilly Loves Death, Destruction, Decay and Torture!
Like she hasn’t had enough
Building those buildings
Torturevilles for yuppies and their puppies
Making ice cream Pei sandwiches and mint tea
Like she likes to see your screams and hear your blood dripping
Witness your pain and cause your death
Place smelly cheese behind your ears, chocolate at your feet
Going across ocean’s divide to find family pride
Like she begs to have your sugar
Knowing religion may or may not
Such a sweet girl
You would never know how much destruction
She has inside
Declare your innocence, it will not help
Cancel your credit, hide behind the walls
Duck in the shadows, come in camouflage
You can’t hide and you have everything to fear
She is the Queen
Hail to her
For she is a lover
A lover of
Death, Destruction, Decay, and Torture!
© 2009 David Greg Harth
Let Me
I found you below a
Tree’s shade reading
A top a grassy
Green hillside
Sun gifted the moon
Stars paused
in the presence
of your beauty
Give up your guard
And hide the lock
Here I am
And here I knock
Let me in
And let me near
Let me kneel
And let me be your cavalier
© 2009 David Greg Harth
Love Is Lost
Losing you
The one
In my corner
In my hearts of hearts
The pain I bare
This heavy weight
This locomotive lust
Losing you
Wasn’t meant to be
To last
I love
© 2009 David Greg Harth
Love (Version #23)
I can’t tell you the reasons why I love you.
I can’t tell you in little words.
I am not a poet.
I am an artist, but I am not a painter.
I am not a photographer and I am not a master of graphite.
So, my words mean nothing.
My art means nothing.
There are no gifts, no actions of dedication that will prove.
I can’t create music for you. I can’t write lyrics.
I can’t sing, dance, or perform magic.
I can’t be the father of your child.
I can’t be the perfect mate.
But know that I love you.
I beg you to know that simple fact.
It is my dear truth. The strongest feeling, I know.
This is not a poem.
This is not art.
Only little bits of zeros and ones.
Perhaps you’ll understand, perhaps not.
Only until my death, will you understand.
© 2008 David Greg Harth
Lost (Version #3)
Lost this
and lost that.
Losing this
and about to lose that.
Lost that long ago
and lost this too.
Lost her
and lost him.
Lost her
and about to lose him.
Losing chances
and losing time.
Losing the lost
and lost the hope.
Wondering if the greatest lost,
is the loss of existence.
The loss of mine.
© 2008 David Greg Harth
The Last Straw
I’ve reached it.
Perhaps some may have expected it.
Turns out,
I am the artist who created the ultimate art work.
The art work that all artists have spoken of.
The art work that all artists dreamed of.
But remember, it was Harth that pulled it off.
It was Harth that executed the final art work.
It was Harth that goes down in the art history books.
It was Harth that killed himself in the name of art.
It was Harth that committed suicide in a gallery,
and called it art.
© 2008 David Greg Harth
Lesbian Spider
Itsy bitsy
The spider crawled out of
The big flappy vagina lips.
Itsy bitsy
She crept up
And away
The lesbian spider
Came out of the big flappy vagina lips.
And now she sits
On top of your labia.
The itsy bitsy lesbian spider.
© 2008 David Greg Harth
Let The Doves Cry Out
Let the doves cry out,
Let the mocking birds repeat.
Let the buzzards feast,
Let the hawks return.
Let the humming birds sing,
Let the pigeons march.
Hoist up the flag,
Drape the banners.
Lower the casket,
Cover the mirrors.
Dig the dirt,
Place the stone.
Cry the last call,
Haul the last thought.
Cry the last plea,
Sit down, he was only me.
© 2008 David Greg Harth
Love (Version #22)
Love is blind to my fingers. I can’t see nor speak.
I have left buildings unbuilt.
I left stadiums filled with trash.
I left back seat lovers alone to crumble into high tea.
High noon galleries are shot down from false trees.
I write, blind to the very alphabet I seem to have hatred too.
Its only love that makes me follow the words I now speak.
They tell me she is beautiful.
Beyond my dreams and my nightly nightmare.
Why does the nightmare continue to haunt my every day existence then?
I’ll never know,
Instead, I’ll get in the cockpit, and I’ll fight the fight a fighter jet fights.
Because love is love,
And love I’ll leave alone.
Because if its love I understand,
Then love is not what I’m in.
© 2008 David Greg Harth
Landing On Rocks
She was swift
Fast on the high seas
Next to the rugged shore
Fast on the row
She knew how to take charge
Present, challenge, confront
Signs of strength
Up and down the coast she loved
No matter how many curves or journeys
She was light when there was dark
She was bright when there was calm
She came forth
He set aside
The steps not taken
The hair not brushed
The lip not bitten
She put up the flags
She claimed her ground
Stood tall, stood proud
Of the life’s school
Learned defeat, he did
She smiled a span
It was the aged wood
It never sank
Only floated forever
Until twelve of second
© 2007 David Greg Harth
Liar In Love
Liar in love!
Liar in love!
Liar in love!
© 2007 David Greg Harth
You turned on the lights,
When you got home.
Found me lying in bed,
Undressed and unclothed.
The music was playing,
And the candles were lit.
Motionless I lay,
Waiting to be fed.
You took my pulse,
And felt my disease.
You saw me dead,
You fell to your knees
© 2007 David Greg Harth