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458 (Found Poem)

blue eyes from the west

meet blue eyes from the east

she: olive skin

he: ghost from beneath

a thank you

a penetration

a no “please” on the ra-dio


smooth reaches

navel galore

experience truth, “A”

let the artist inside

and he may never come out

let the artist inside

and one day, I will dive


you reached an ocean

i took the lead

you felt the motion

I conquered the colors


crystal blue

round and yours

the touch, the feel, holy inside

the secrets, the fantasies


a division of society

sheets make a boundary

a simple hello

an intense hug


beauty surrounds

that glow within

from far they come

and to be with them


a wish from below

and above

a journey of no other

a complex wonder



the sensual

the enriched

the lasting


from day to day

a thought behind

baby eyes

eyebrows to die for


every curve

every inch

heat sensitive

and a cool breeze




no justification

just an imagination


outside or


over and out

i am about


feel the time

hold it

grasp it

capture it


then and only then

ask yourself

deep down inside


or why not?


wise, very wise


and today

see a new red shape





© 1998 David Greg Harth