U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (New Year’s Day)

It is New Year’s Day.

What did you do?

Just the other day?


I sat in the center.

The epicenter.

Where 7th meets Broadway.

Where the neon lights are.

Where the movies are filmed.


I sat there.

All day long.

Handcuffed myself.

To a chair,

To the lamppost.

Right in the center.


The great big clock,

Behind me.

Coke in front of me.

I have never snorted.

About to now.


Corporate Surroundings

I wish I had a fuck on me.

I wish I had a smoke.


I sat in the center.

Chained to the chair.

To the lamppost.

I sat all day.


As the clock neared midnight.

I pulled the trigger.

Still handcuffed.

My thoughts now on the lamppost.






© 1998 David Greg Harth

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I, 1996 - 00 David Harth I, 1996 - 00 David Harth

I Don’t Want To Make You Cry

I don’t want to make you cry

I don’t want to make you sweat

Shed a tear

Or be afraid


I don’t want to make you hurt

I don’t want you to be in in pain

Crawl up inside

Or runaway


I don’t want to make you cry

I don’t want to make you hide

Become empty

Or scared


I don’t want to make you dive under

I don’t want to make you climb low

Surrender your self

Or remain silent


I don’t want to make you cry

Come home tonight

Let me inside

I’ve opened my heart

It stays ajar, for only so long

I don’t want to make you cry



© 2000 David Greg Harth @ SOHA NYC @ 1515 NYC

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R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Romantic Lovie

Oh Romeo

My big buddy

My fat cat

Sweet stinker

You run after fishy


You are a great thumper

Romping around

Running around




Oh Romeo

You black and white

You big eyed wonder

You silly goose!


Showing a path

A running bolt

A stalker

And birdie chirper

Lovie Dovie in bed

Humping thy breast

Tonight, and night

Tickle Tickle toe tickler


Oh Romeo


Whadya say?


You want to play with fishy??



© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 296NYC

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C, 1996 - 00 David Harth C, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Cheesecake, Blueberry Pie


Blueberry Pie

Chocolate Chip Cookies


Peanut Butter Heaven

Raspberry Croissant

Banana Bread

Crumb Coffee Cake

Chocolate Covered Pretzels

Mississippi Mud Pie

Apple Strudel


Key Lime Pie

Apple Pie

Oreo Cake

Carrot Muffin

Chocolate Glazed Doughnuts

Seven Layer Cake





© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 296NYC

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S, 1996 - 00 David Harth S, 1996 - 00 David Harth


You can’t stop me

I’ll keep walking

Straight forward

Past the passing trains

and traffic lights


I’ll pass Elvis and Dylan

On my road

To becoming a remembered ghost



© 2000 David Greg Harth

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Tooth Fighter of the Night

Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I won’t let you down.

I’ll rise straight back up

From the dead

From the dirt in which I’m buried under.


I’d burn in hell because I’m the forgiver of greatest sins

I’d make love to you if you were a larva carcass

I’d kill your mother if only she was still alive


Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I’ll purchase products by Sony and Mattel

I’ll purchase products by Fuji and Banana Republic

I’ll strengthen my weakness by feeding on your weak

I’ll strengthen my weakness by eating at your soul

Eating the flesh off your back

Licking your blood up off the floor

Your menstrual blood

Your baby blood

Your fuck blood


Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I’ll sink under and come up again

I’ll keep coming back for more

You can’t beat me down

You can’t erase me

You can’t make me disappear

You can’t dissolve my image


Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I’ll steal your teeth and make pretty necklace charms

Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I’ll leave you stamped bills beneath your fluffy pillow

Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I’ll fuck your daughter’s angel

Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I won’t amend to please or surpass your dream

I won’t soothe or edit text-based imagery

I won’t use nicer words or be romantic

I won’t laugh or cry for your benefit


Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night,

I’ll be a fighter

I’ll search and never die

I’ll always reach higher

I’ll always try again and again

I’ll survive

I’ll listen, look, learn, live and love


Because I’m the Tooth Fighter of the Night.




© 2000 David Greg Harth

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N, 1996 - 00 David Harth N, 1996 - 00 David Harth

not mechanical

Bionic Blend

Blurred vision

Cellular devices hooked up

Surrounding my brain

Encompass my thoughts

Bookend around the B Train

RA-Dio waves passing through


Traveling speeds

Fast speed

High on crack

On wave tunes

High tunes

Electronic exchanges

B sides


Brave ballrooms

Hung balls

Nut cracking massages

Super Duper High Tech





multiplication the simplification

B frank B kite B byte





Ren the dollar, rent the book



Mental note

note of sugar

Sugar cane

note in the bag


B the travel

B the plane

jet just blast

Bring on

Become the ring

Role off the tongue

9 8 20 23 20 2 sea you 2 Bnm




© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC

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S, 1996 - 00 David Harth S, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Sad because you don’t know why

Sad because I made a black painting

Sad because I thought about cutting off my ear

Sad because no one is here to put their arms around me

Sad because my will is incomplete and I don’t have a phone number handy

Sad because the bed that is usually on fire is shadowed by the pretend music


Sad because she knows

Sad because she is so mighty

Sad because she is so beautiful

Sad because she is so right

Sad because she is so tremendous

Sad because she is not here

Sad because she is not mine


Sad because a candle burns alone

Sad because I smell of smoke

Sad because I’ve been sold

Sad because my property went

Sad because



© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 296 New York City

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H, 1996 - 00 David Harth H, 1996 - 00 David Harth


You are my hero.

You have inspired me

To live

To create

To love


You are my hero.

You have taught me

To standup

To fightback

To rebel


You are my hero.

You have shown me

The world

The light

The god


You are my hero.

You have imbedded taste in me

For art

For lust

For truth


You are my hero.

You have listened

When I was crying

When I was damaged

When I was not even yours


You are my hero.

You have met my inspiration

You have met my followers

You have met my lovers


You are my hero.

You have enlightened me

To teach peace

To teach trust

To teach kindness


You are my hero.

You have brought gifts to me

Ones I will open daily

Ones I will cherish forever

Ones I will share with my children


You are my hero.

You have cried

You have laughed

You have died


You will always be my hero.



© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC

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M, 1996 - 00 David Harth M, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Mistake Win

I never thought you could recover from the mistakes you made

But now tears roll down my eyes and all I want

Is my cheek to be next to yours


I never thought I could be wrong or make someone so beautiful

But now the mirror is broken and the garage glass shattered


You made me mad because you should have waited.

Now you have left with no news of today; only yesterday


Mistakes come and go

People come and go

But I’ll never find another lesson

Another bruise

Another time for manipulation or prostitution


Youve inspired me to grow up

Grow older

And grow higher

But now youve left me

With my fist in the glass; bloody


It’s pouring rain outside

But I am not wet

The wind is burning my face

But it is not windy

The ground is shaking beneath me

But the money is not falling from the tree




© 2000 David Greg Harth

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A, 1996 - 00 David Harth A, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Send me a shit load


I will


You’re going to call the police on me

And get me arrested




© 2000 David Greg Harth

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth


This is a damn ass bumpy bump

Bumpty bumpty bump


I go bump bump bump

Bumpty bumpty bump


© 2000 David Greg Harth @ FLT#22

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V, 1996 - 00 David Harth V, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I vomit during the day

I vomit during the night

I vomit in my dreams

I vomit on the land


We rolled around

In that orange and green

In that yellow and brown

In that neon blue


We rolled around

Horsed around

Fooled around

I punctured her skin

With my stick

We had a fuck

In that vomit

Vomit all around

Puke on myself

She puked on me

And then I on her


I vomit during the day

I vomit during the night

I vomit on her hands

I vomit on her payment


We paid each other

Went our ways

I never saw her again

But I have a trail of vomit

Leading down to my cock

And now I’m going

And I’ll puke some more

Vomit some more

And smell the stench

In my dreams



© 2000 David Greg Harth @ In my dreams PMSMCA

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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Just one glimpse

Let me just see it once

Then I’ll turn away


I’ll believe in God

I’ll fall in love

I’ll talk to my mother


Let me just have one look

Just for a little while

I want to see


I want to see your sculpted face

Let me see your face

I have to see your face

Please, let me see your face

I want to see your face

I need to see your face


Just one little glimpse

One quick look

A little gaze

A brief squint

Let me see your image

Let me see your chiseled face

Let me see your beauty

Let me see why people are running


Just one glimpse

Let me just see it once

Then I’ll turn away


I have to see your face

Let me trace your outlines

Allow me to enter peace

I must see your face


I have to see it now

I can’t go on living

I need the proof to survive

I heard about your face






I want to see your face

Let me see your face

I beg you

I will turn away right away

Let me see your face


Just one glimpse

Let me just see it once

Then I’ll turn away



© 2000 David Greg Harth

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Tuna Fish

“Tuna Fish”


My father makes the best tuna fish (salad).

I always know, if the tuna fish I’m eating,

is made by my father or not. His tuna fish

has a unique taste. It’s not about added pepper

or celery or extra mayo. It’s just the taste,

or maybe it’s in the knowing. It’s not just

tuna fish. It’s tuna fish that has unseen

love inside.


© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

A Brief Funny Story

I was at my Opa’s apartment last night.

In case you didn’t know, Opa is my grandfather.

Anyway, he is 89 years old and has an older brother, about age 94? in South Africa. They both fled Germany when Hitler decided to kill people.


I was showing Opa what I do at work. I had brought my laptop computer up to him last night and for the first time he was able to see and hear what I do at work and in my art world. I showed him websites I worked on and other things. Even played a video for him.


He was quite amazed at the technology.

We then emailed his brother and some other relative.

But first, he looked at his watch. He noticed the time and he said we couldn’t because if we did that, it would wake them up. I had to take about 4 minutes and explain to Opa that emails don’t wake up people like phone calls do. I still don’t think he fully understands. But it was funny.


And that’s my brief funny story.



© 2000 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC

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W, 1996 - 00 David Harth W, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Wait Time

Wait Time Is Only


Four hours

10 minutes

3 1/2 hours

15 min.

2 hrs.

about 20 min.

7 hours

30 days

2 week period

ten days

about half an hour

Five hours

8 minutes

estimated time is 12 min.

9 hours





© 2000 David Greg Harth @ World Trade Center NYC

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P, 1996 - 00 David Harth P, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Poem For A Girlfriend

I’m sorry I made you cry

I never wanted to hurt you


I’m sorry we shared those moments together

I never wanted to waste your time


I’m sorry we connected and lasted so long

I never wanted to deceive you


I’m sorry I encouraged you into commitment

I never wanted to lead you wrong


I’m sorry we dedicated so much time to us

I never wanted to confuse you


I’m sorry for everything I have done

But you didn’t tell me

You had a dick.



© 2000 David Greg Harth

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C, 1996 - 00 David Harth C, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Comparison To A Hard Roll

One is hard

One is soft


One is old

One is young


One tastes sweet to men

One tastes sweet to women


One has impersonators

One is an impersonator


One goes well with soup

One goes well with meat


One is a world favorite

One is a family favorite


One produces inspiration

One listens for inspiration


One has been cataloged

One will be cataloged


One will be remembered

One remembers



© 2000 David Greg Harth

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S, 1996 - 00 David Harth S, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Sea Of Grass

Long stemmed Japanese grass

Swallowed me up

And baby birds fell from the sky


In the curves of my ear

I could hear the soundtrack of my life

An orchestrated musical journey


She twisted around me

Encompassed my passion

She knew my thoughts and circled my being


The panda bear sits eating still leaves

The butterfly floats on a shared dream

The ladybug survives an ocean tide


Today is brought to me

Delivered with soft hands

And brown eyes


She sits and waits

I search and turn

We join again and again

Nothing stopping

Not even poison or ice


I sit and wait

She is the cherished speed

We join again and again

Nothing stopping

Not even red glows or gliding rubber


We are two

From an island unknown

But we survive

Grow together

We follow the examples

of the great panda bear

delicate butterfly and soft ladybug




© 2000 David Greg Harth

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